My best friend's wedding

2012-05-02 08:09:23

Zhang Yu woke up at 5 am on the day of her wedding ceremony in January 2011.

Where girls become ladies

2012-04-30 07:33:22

"Every girl loves beauty, the only problem is knowing what beauty is," says Wu Xiaohuan, a student at Wuhan Textile University.

Training in etiquette is a vital first step

2012-04-30 07:33:22

Young people should enroll for training with a reputable school or individual to become a lady or a gentleman.

Irresistible search for both job and joy

2012-04-30 07:31:52

Momentous decision leads to life-long changes and travel across the world.

American diplomat believes it's all about interaction

2012-04-30 07:31:52

With his days full of meetings pertaining to consular services, other diplomats and US companies, Robert Griffiths, United States Consul General in Shanghai, may find his life to be repetitive, maybe even mundane.

'Hacker' collective dreams of machines

2012-04-27 09:37:15

A robotic painter propels itself across the wall of a hidden underground room of the China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts (CMoDA).

Innovation station

2012-04-27 09:19:45

Beijing's Art Hack Weekend brings together people from various sectors to produce impromptu works in teams.

Wild bird haven gets new wings

2012-04-25 14:36:35

About 440 wild bird species - as many as are found in all of Europe - live in Sichuan's provincial capital Chengdu, the Chengdu Bird Watching Society reports.

Elementary school system advances

2012-04-25 14:30:47

The government of Wuhou district in Chengdu recently announced it will set up a global think tank by recruiting education specialists from around the world to serve local elementary education's internationalization and modernization.

Retirees' second careers

2012-04-25 11:21:17

Various unique performances by retirees have been attracting a lot of attention in Beijing's parks, aside from the blooming flowers.

Unnatural disaster ahead

2012-04-25 11:10:23

'River pigs' face extinction. Their disappearance could cause a massive ecological catastrophe.

A smart sport that has a point

2012-04-25 08:06:27

Chen Bing lunged at her opponent and scored a hit on her opponent's chest.