Where wealth is consumed inconspicuously

2012-05-28 17:13:06

Here in one of the richest corners of the country, the tech elite display an ambivalent, sometimes contradictory approach to wealth.

Tao of agility

2012-05-28 17:12:24

She's more than 90 years old and a living ad on human potential, Tao Porchon-Lynch has proven that her extraordinary reputation isn't a stretch.

Celebrity chef Yan cooks up a storm at US embassy residence

2012-05-28 17:10:19

Longtime TV chef Martin Yan presented a showcase dinner of American ingredients in Chinese cooking last week at the residence of US Ambassador Gary Locke and his wife, Mona.

World Scene

2012-05-28 17:08:35

Guests at Cannes bid up to $255,656 at a Haiti fundraiser for items including a Bono-autographed guitar as the film festival's recent glitzy, global spotlight turned to charity.

Animal attraction

2012-05-28 16:49:39

Activist gave up a promising TV career to help those who are unable to fend for themselves, Li Aoxue learns her story.

Learning on the go

2012-05-28 16:48:33

Parents of a past generation used to yell "Get off the phone!" But these days, mum and dad are more likely to nod approvingly when their kids stay glued to a smartphone.

Faiths as the foundation

2012-05-28 16:42:38

Religious leaders from various beliefs and countries meet to discuss how spirituality can maximize profits and create happier societies.

Pretty Smart

2012-05-28 15:18:20

In a country where love of gadgetry goes beyond the ordinary, the smartphone can do a lot more than just connecting one voice with another.

Pills on the mind

2012-05-28 15:17:35

When a study revealed that male fruit flies resorted to alcohol after being rejected by attractive females, an entire gender nodded in recognition.

Men turn to jobs women usually do

2012-05-28 15:16:48

Over the last decade, American men of all backgrounds have begun flocking to fields such as teaching, nursing and waiting tables that have long been the province of women.

Chinese elements add interest to Sudoku competition

2012-05-28 15:12:39

This year's Beijing International Sudoku Tournament had an exciting factor - Chinese elements.

A Hong Kong odyssey

2012-05-28 15:11:58

Hong Kong cinema is merging into the larger Chinese cinema, gaining strength and at the same time losing its own identity.