

For US election candidates, China is an easy target

2012-01-13 08:39

There has been a noticeable escalation in US confrontational rhetoric and actions in recent weeks regarding China. Legislation continues to percolate in Congress that would impose tariffs and other sanctions on Chinese imports unless Beijing significantly revalues its currency.

How to attract staff and keep them happy

2012-01-06 10:07

Acquiring and keeping talent is important to any organization, no matter where.

Learning from experience

2012-01-06 10:07

China's economy is entering a period of slower growth and the government should heed the lessons of other countries

In changing software scenario, trust is vital

2012-01-06 10:07

For the Chinese IT industry the rules of the game are swiftly changing.

Energy efficiency vital for future

2012-01-06 08:55

China, for the first time, publicly agreed to consider a legally binding cap on its carbon emissions.

For banks, success requires patience

2012-01-06 08:55

In fact, China is likely to overtake the US as the world's largest banking market by 2023.

Commitment must for climate change

2011-12-16 11:12

China played a key role in ensuring that the Durban round of negotiations did not end in an impasse

Clean energy strides need long-term solutions

2011-12-16 11:12

More efforts, global support vital for energy conservation, reduction of carbon emissions

Father Christmas is on the way

2011-12-16 11:12

Santa's sleigh is more like a bandwagon, and it's about time chinese companies jumped on board

Fasten your seatbelt for 2012

2011-12-16 09:00

The european economic wreck smoulders, and trouble may be around the corner for the US

China ought to worry about the EU

2011-12-16 09:00

Just a few hours after a euro zone summit on Oct 27 the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, reached out to his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao to seek support for an enlarged rescue fund designed to solve the region's sovereign-debt crisis. Not long time before, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, also asked China to continue investing in the US to support President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan.

Lessons from a prince on mergers and acquisitions

2011-12-02 15:52

In a field fraught with dangers, the golden rule applies: caveat emptor

Easing money policy would harm rather than help

2011-12-02 15:46

With the economic slowdown and monetary easing in the US and Europe, China can expect a surge of liquidity

A success formula for supermarkets

2011-12-02 09:07

In early October, 37 employees of the supermarket chain Walmart were detained and 13 local stores in Chongqing temporarily closed as a result of what was dubbed a green pork scandal. Not only that, but the CEO and the head of human resources stepped down.

Conference must deliver plan of action

2011-11-25 10:25

The recent World Energy Outlook report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) is yet another clarion call

Future of climate change diplomacy on the line

2011-11-25 10:25

There is an ever-widening chasm between the support developing countries need to adapt to climate change and the funding promised and delivered by wealthy nations.

When PIGS fly, it's a hog's heaven

2011-11-25 10:25

China needs to be on the lookout for a multitude of opportunities as the dust settles in Europe

Finding the right balance

2011-11-25 08:54

China's participation holds the key for Trans-Pacific partnership.

Durban offers way out of zero-sum game

2011-11-25 08:54

The world is about to face challenges that test political willingness to fight global warming and that leaves little room to save the Kyoto Protocol. Those challenges will surface at the 17th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that begins in Durban, South Africa, on Nov 28.

European Edition