

Let words of conflict be put to rest

2015-05-01 08:05

In the domain of international political and economic relations, academics have the habit of using belligerent words, such as war or duel, to trigger misleading debates that may not reflect reality.

China's research is work in progress

2015-04-24 07:29

National elections are looming in the United Kingdom and the scientific community is intensifying its calls for the next government to increase investment in research and development to drive economic growth.

Change in use of forex reserves takes shape

2015-04-24 07:29

Since the world economic crisis broke out seven or eight years ago, the many uses to which China's foreign exchange reserves can be put have frequently been discussed.

China ready to help make world a better place

2015-04-24 07:29

President Xi Jinping's belt and road initiatives are the most significant and far-reaching proposal that China has ever put forward.

Iran deal figures in shift to East

2015-04-24 07:29

In 2010, my book China and the Credit Crisis: The Emergence of a New World Order, was well-received in Asia, particularly the Chinese-language version, which sold well in China.

Economy could be stuck in neutral

2015-04-24 07:29

Like it or not, China's economic slowdown is beginning to bite, and it is in industry, manufacturing in particular, where the pain is being felt most.

Deepen ties through nation-province pairing

2015-04-24 07:29

The Europeans and Chinese tend to commemorate historic events every decade and 2015 will not be short of such occasions. Beijing has been engaged in inviting other nations to mark the 70th anniversary of victory against fascism and Japanese aggression.

A fresh change of pace

2015-04-17 07:01

The Chinese economy got off to a bad start this year. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the world's second-largest economy grew 7 percent in the first quarter, the worst quarterly performance since the fourth quarter of 2008, causing concerns that the country may miss its yearly GDP growth target of 7 percent set by the central government last month, if slowdown continues.

Hints of yet another shift in monetary policy

2015-04-17 07:01

Since November, China's central bank has adopted a series of measures to reduce the deposit reserve ratio and interest rate to ease financing pressures on the economy.

The way forward for China's industry

2015-04-17 07:01

Industry competitiveness on an international scale almost always requires a critical mass of a group of small to medium-sized industry competitors or a fast-growing, acquisitive larger industry player.

A partnership for a sustainable future?

2015-04-17 07:01

China has achieved a phenomenal level of economic growth. But like many countries, it now faces pressing environmental challenges.

Silk Road initiatives to connect people's hearts

2015-04-17 07:01

With the development and prosperity of the Silk Road Economic Belt, China and Muslim-majority countries along the belt will become the world's most important economic zone.

Truths rooted in a colorful turn of phrase

2015-04-17 07:01

The official Xinhua News Agency did not use the term. But people who attended a symposium on the "economic situation" told Chinese business media about one important phrase Premier Li Keqiang used. He said the state of the Chinese economy was "between green and yellow", meaning between crop harvests.

Square dancing doesn't deserve stigma

2015-04-17 07:01

Guangchangwu (square dancing or outdoor dancing) has become a popular recreational activity across China, especially among dama. Just as dama has become a term many use to jocularly describe middle age or older women, so too has dancing in public squares become a despised or funny activity for some.

Making the spirit of reform normal

2015-04-10 07:14

China's new normal is a phrase on many lips. But what does it mean, apart from lower GDP growth for the economy?

China's role in peace and progress

2015-04-10 07:14

There is an emerging consensus to incorporate "building peaceful and inclusive societies" as a standalone goal in the post-2015 development agenda, to be put before the United Nations General Assembly in September.

Nation's debt has just turned a corner

2015-04-10 07:14

There are fears about China's growth prospects given the recent bad news about weak credit demand, high real interest rates and tight liquidity. But we at Standard Chartered see three reasons for at least some optimism:

China's war against pollution

2015-04-10 07:14

China is stepping up its efforts in strengthening anti-pollution laws. The Environmental Protection Law, which took effect on Jan 1, has increased the responsibility of local governments in dealing with environmental problems and made polluters liable to pay unlimited daily fines for violations.

Let steam out of overheated market

2015-04-10 07:14

It's only a few weeks since the Chinese stock market started to rally. But now it's time to ask whether the bull-run has come too fast and too riskily. The Shanghai stock market index is at a new seven-year high.

Belgium's mixed signals to China

2015-04-10 07:14

Belgium's former PM Elio Di Rupo expressed both excitement and regret during an interview with China Daily about two crucial decisions involving Beijing.

European Edition