

National interest should guide France's China ties

2012-05-11 11:39

New president has to shed ideological baggage to forge healthy relations.

Thread by thread, safety net gets stronger

2012-05-11 11:36

Good investment returns of social security funds key to providing for retired workers.

The appeal of celebrity advertising

2012-05-11 08:40

Celebrities are shorthand for what the brand means - and shortcut to new concepts.

Chinese firms shy away from London Games

2012-05-04 11:05

Few events are comparable to the Olympics in terms of spectacle, sporting grandeur and universal appeal.

Old allies turn new partners

2012-05-04 11:01

Central and eastern european nations have had long-lasting ties with china; now is the time to expand them.

Central to the theme

2012-05-04 08:49

How china is best placed to hold the world together.

Pitfalls on the road to superpower status

2012-05-04 08:49

Despite China's splendid past 30 years, the next 30 will decide whether it can become a superpower, or be slowed in its tracks. As suggested by Deng Xiaoping, the reform architect, China's economic development needs two 30-year periods. In the first, industrialization was needed, and that is now complete.

Frank talk lays path for bright future

2012-04-27 10:41

The visit by China's Premier Wen Jiabao to the Hanover Messe in Germany on April 23 and his other meetings with the country's political and business leaders will have enhanced economic and trade relations between the two countries.

The gadgets that will drive car demand

2012-04-27 10:41

Chinese drivers want to keep up with the latest technology in cars that keep them connected.

'Banking center' can often have a hollow ring

2012-04-27 10:41

Chinese cities with high aspirations need to look where they are going.

In Nokia-Apple rivalry, 'cool' & 'quality'

2012-04-27 08:49

Apple enjoys huge emotional edge, but with branding, the rational is also important.

As turning point approaches, action needed on employment

2012-04-20 10:56

The Chinese economy is at a turning point, and we need to look at why a shortage of jobs has turned into a shortage of labor.

The challenges of retrieving a buried treasure

2012-04-20 10:56

China's sustainable development is under pressure, because of its surging appetite for energy resources and serious environmental pollution.

Changes in branding are in the wind

2012-04-20 08:45

Irecently interviewed a Chinese woman in her early 30s as part of a research project about Chinese consumer behavior. We talked about how she and her friends relate to foreign and Chinese brands.

Let the clean-up of the century roll on

2012-04-20 08:45

China must use carrot-and-stick policy to create a higher level of environmental awareness

Europe left floundering on the sidelines

2012-04-13 08:47

The US focus on Asia has left EU policymakers trying to work out what to do.

Will time travelers know where they are?

2012-04-13 08:47

If a Chinese person who died 30 years ago were to reappear in China today, what would surprise him or her most?

Wanted: The brand management MBA

2012-04-06 11:03

Chinese producers are shifting their attention further up the value chain, well aware of the riches to be realized with production and ownership of premium branded goods and services.

Dark prejudices that throw a dim light

2012-04-06 11:03

For most Europeans who have not visited or lived in China, their perceptions about the country are no doubt mostly influenced by the media.

China's superpower coronation is still some way off

2012-04-06 08:44

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, and in the course of the continuing European sovereign debt crisis, large developed economies have struggled to regain growth momentum, while China has continued to grow at a robust pace. This has led to speculation of a concurrent decline of the developed countries and the rise of China changing the power structure of the international system. Recent events have thrust China, still in the process of developing its economy, into the spotlight as a superpower.

European Edition