

Change for the better

2010-12-31 10:45

More frequent high-level exchanges signal the desire of China and the EU to strengthen relations.

Building BRICS

2010-12-31 08:13

Of the emerging economies in Asia, Latin America, East Europe and Africa, two stars stepped into the spotlight in 2010.

More action needed to deregulate interest rates

2010-12-24 10:11

Banking sector should enjoy more pricing power instead of being subject to ceiling and bottom interest rates for deposits and lending.

Farsighted support

2010-12-24 10:11

It may be reasonable for some European observers to argue that the Chinese buying only helps ease Europe's sovereign-debt problems in the short run.

Another view of per capita GDP

2010-12-24 10:11

In the past decade, the Chinese people have been repeatedly reminded that, according to the World Bank's ranking, China is still behind 100th place in terms of per capita GDP.

Deal is hollow and false victory for climate change

2010-12-17 10:24

The patchwork deal haggled out at the climate change conference at the Mayan Riviera of Cancun in Mexico saved the UN negotiating process from collapsing rather than protecting our planet against global warming, that is, meeting the promise of keeping the global temperature rise to 2 C.

No winners in Nobel saga

2010-12-10 10:40

The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to jailed Chinese activist Liu Xiaobo has certainly become an international cause clbre,but it is also a sad paradox.

Lessons from student tests

2010-12-10 10:33

A global survey of teenagers worldwide in November ranked Chinese students at the bottom when it comes to applying creativity and imagination.

Wave of austerity poses threat to global economy

2010-12-10 10:32

The global economy ends 2010 more divided than it was at the beginning of the year.

Tackle turbulence in global context

2010-12-03 14:37

The interactions between Brussels and Beijing are both effects and causes of an evolving international context.

Monetary moves are to stem overheating

2010-12-03 14:28

Not long after the United States Federal Reserve Board announced its second round of quantitative easing (known as QE2), the People's Bank of China (PBOC), China's central bank, announced two increases of 0.5 percentage points in the required reserve ratio (RRR) of bank deposits.

Trade in a changing world

2010-12-03 07:58

It was reported that the EU launched more trade remedy investigation cases against Chinese products in the first 10 months of this year than it did during the whole of 2009.

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