

Doomsayers underrate economy's resilience

2014-02-28 08:43

Poor economic performances brew discouraging forecasts. So there have been quite a few scenarios for China's setback in 2014, based on its slowdowns in January and February.

A year of rewarding reform, and no free lunches

2014-02-28 08:43

From shadow banking to lavish public spending, the message of the new leadership headed by President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang in its first year has been clear: the days of excessive spending and damaging liquidity are over.

China on the road to trade excellence

2014-02-21 08:31

The year 2013 was special for China, for it saw a new leadership take office, the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issue an extensive reform plan, and China become the largest trading nation.

Chinese currency on the up and up

2014-02-21 08:31

As the yuan approaches the psychologically sensitive line of 6:1 against the US dollar, debates are raging over whether the Chinese currency should continue appreciating.

Free trade zone is a test bed for renminbi

2014-02-21 08:31

In the tradition of earlier policies, Chinese authorities have launched another small, reversible but potentially significant step of reform toward a further opening of the economy.

Getting right fit is harder than it looks

2014-02-21 08:31

As world-renowned consumer goods companies enter China, a series of problems has sprung up in the Chinese market for international fashion brands.

Government 2.0 has work to do

2014-02-21 08:31

The rise of social media and Web 2.0 technologies has transformed ordinary people's lives and their interactions with governments.

To stop corruption you first need to swat flies

2014-02-21 08:31

Ask any experienced driver in Beijing about the ways to save on parking fees, which have gone up several times in the past few years, and he or she will teach you how to negotiate the rates with parking fee collectors, giving an insight into one of the crudest and most common forms of corruption in our daily life.

City that holds keys to the west

2014-02-14 08:48

It was as long ago as 1999 that the first moves were made for the development of western China. During this time much of the focus has centered on the south-west and the cities of Chongqing and Chengdu in particular.

And all could live happily ever after

2014-02-14 08:48

Although the Chinese shadow banking system is renowned for being opaque, the latest annual financial market report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences estimates the system had 20.5 trillion yuan ($3.3 trillion, 2.5 trillion euros) in total assets - roughly 40 percent of China's GDP - last year.

Interest rate liberalization key to reforms

2014-02-14 08:48

Full liberalization of China's interest rates, a critical step for financial reforms, is highly anticipated by the market.

Chinese dream over the Taiwan Straits

2014-02-14 08:48

As Chinese New Year celebrations wound down and the Lantern Festival on Feb 14 approached, a historic meeting took place in Nanjing between Wang Yu-chi, the head of Taiwan's mainland affairs council, and Zhang Zhijun, director of China's Taiwan Affairs Office.

Fast and easy times over for smaller cities

2014-02-14 08:48

There will not be one general business crisis in China this year. There will be many - all local ones.

Banking regulator maps out reform plan

2014-01-31 06:41

The Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission held a key meeting on Jan 6 to propel reform in the Chinese financial and banking system. Given that this is the first commission national conference since the Party's Third Plenum in November and the Central Economic Work Conference in December, the meeting attracted considerable interest, domestically and internationally.

Shanghai has to build more than buildings to compete

2014-01-31 06:41

The eastern city's impressive growth figures cannot hide the fact that it needs to diversify its economy

China is here, there but not everywhere

2014-01-31 06:41

At the recent World Economic Forum at Davos in Switzerland, China was an underlying theme, not just in sessions with China in their title, like China Outlook, but in many other discussions about energy, climate change, innovation and global economic growth. Davos 2014 confirmed that China's global role now seems to have gained universal acceptance.

Industry could be more fired up to save energy

2014-01-31 06:41

More needs to be done to demonstrate to companies the advantages in cleaning up their act

Abe should know what the right words are

2014-01-31 06:41

In his Lunar New Year greetings published by two Chinese-language newspapers in Japan on Jan 30, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said individual issues should not be allowed to weigh in on bilateral relations.

Sitting around a table beats holding a gun

2014-01-31 06:41

China's stance on finding a solution to the Syrian crisis has been vindicated

The reshaping of the world

2014-01-24 08:54

Seattle, Prague, Genoa, Melbourne. More than a decade ago, these cities were hosts to violent protests against a nebulous enemy: "globalization".

European Edition