

Xi's lunch may mean eating humble pie

2014-01-03 09:59

Two things have determined that the Chinese stock market - Shanghai and Shenzhen combined - will have an eventful 2014, now that the central regulator, China Securities Regulatory Commission, is set to lift the 13-month ban on new listings.

Recent credit shortage not a major concern

2014-01-03 09:59

QE tapering in the US offers a chance for China to end property-market addiction

China and Europe ride the smart wave

2013-12-20 10:04

Many Chinese cities are now focusing on improving air quality and providing smart services to their citizens to grow their municipal economies.

English-test changes make great sense

2013-12-20 10:04

It is possible that 2013 will be remembered as the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way China views the English language.

Efficient market, effective government

2013-12-20 10:04

Removal of preferential policies and steps to encourage competition should be the top priority

The early bird catches the SOE worm

2013-12-20 10:04

But Shanghai's officials must surely have other priorities, too

An outline that can make a big difference

2013-12-20 10:04

Policymakers can learn from Europe on welfare benefits and protecting heritage

Smog crisis tries the limits of people's patience

2013-12-20 10:04

Fears that emergency measures may be too little, too late

British PM misses the connection

2013-12-13 09:34

British Prime Minister David Cameron remarked during his recent and much publicized trip to China that "if you are thinking of investing in Britain, come and find us. You will get a warm welcome".

China's chance to set a global example

2013-12-13 09:34

China conspicuously stepped up its green rhetoric in the latter half of this year. President Xi Jinping's pledge that the country would never pursue short-term economic growth at the expense of environmental degradation was perhaps the clearest example of this significant shift in tone.

Snipping regulations holds the key

2013-12-13 09:34

Likonomics 101 shows Premier Li Keqiang's grasp of the technical complexities of the political economy of reform and the daunting tasks of pushing through reforms at a time of profound transformation domestically and internationally.

Why GDP is out of the equation

2013-12-13 09:34

If, as it were, 2013 is the year of the grand plan, seen in the reform program adopted by the leadership's recent Third Plenum, then 2014 should not be a year of continuous celebration, but of action to implement the program in the economy's daily proceedings.

Time to nip trouble in the bud

2013-12-13 09:34

European nations should take more steps to ensure safety of tourists

Xi makes it China's dream year

2013-12-06 10:02

In October, the shutdown of the US federal government forced President Obama to cancel a series of trips abroad. In his absence, at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Bali, China's President Xi Jinping was de facto the most powerful man in the room, the US pivot to Asia ironically reduced to a mere rhetorical posture.

Cameron scores big in media sphere

2013-12-06 10:02

When British Prime Minister David Cameron returned to London from his trip to China, he might well be surprised not only by the dozens of business contracts signed but also by the long list of questions put to him by his new Chinese followers gained as the result of a micro blog.

Market forces will be ally in fighting pollution

2013-12-06 10:02

Carbon emission trading unites polluters and protectors in looking after environment

Big year ahead once key meeting over

2013-12-06 10:02

Anxiety mounts as plenum decisions on economic reforms await to be put into action

Relaxed rule may not be enough to raise more kids

2013-12-06 10:02

Parents appear reluctant to embrace change to one-child policy because of various constraints

Move fast or risk being left behind

2013-11-29 10:30

China's e-commerce market continues to grow by leaps and bounds. The market grew 120 percent between 2003 and 2011 compared with just 17 percent in the US over the same time, according to global consultancy firm McKinsey. It forecast that China's market could be worth between $420 billion (311 billion euros) and $650 billion a year by 2020.

The future points to e-finance

2013-11-29 10:30

Recently, my investment-savvy mother asked me a question: What is Internet finance?

European Edition