

Researchers who work together prosper together

2014-06-13 07:57

There are conflicting views about foreign-funded research institutions' influence on domestic innovation. But generally speaking, foreign-funded research institutions are playing a key role in improving the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system.

More technical experts, fewer scholars

2014-06-13 07:57

People in China often lament that far fewer Chinese professionals, compared with their Indian counterparts, are likely to end up becoming leading executives in multinational corporations.

Waiting to fill the airspace near you soon: Drones

2014-06-13 07:57

E-commerce is booming in China and delivery services need to keep pace with it. Most people have experienced frustration with the delivery of purchases, especially during peak buying periods. The problem is a global one, but it is more pronounced in China, where huge volumes of goods have to be delivered across diverse landscapes. Could aerial drones help solve the problem?

Selling to China? Do something different

2014-06-06 08:12

If I gave you all the money and approvals you needed to start on your own, what business would you want to do in China today?

A 30-year wait, and this is just the start

2014-06-06 08:12

China signed a long-awaited 30-year deal last month to buy Russian natural gas worth about $400 billion, according to news reports. There has been a lot of debate about the agreed price, possibly because the pricing issue was the main reason for the long negotiations.

Found at last: confidence and ambition

2014-06-06 08:12

Many have called on Chinese companies to do their bit to transform themselves into far more modern, market-oriented money making machines to fuel China's continued economic rise during a difficult transitionary period.

New type of bureaucrat needed for a new task

2014-06-06 08:12

Why must China always have others guess about its next move? Why are there doubts in the global business media about China's chance of making a successful transition in its economic model, as its leaders have famously pronounced?

It's wise to get used to China, the megatrader

2014-06-06 08:12

If your company is not already trading with China in some way, chances are it soon will. Research by Standard Chartered predicts China will continue to grow as the megatrader of this century, countering predictions that its role in world trade has peaked.

How China can make it to the next age

2014-05-30 07:41

The discoveries that emerged during the Age of Exploration finally put to rest the idea that all wisdom came from the "ancients". The realization that knowledge could be found elsewhere or even created - and therefore that progress could be continuous - marked the beginning of modern times.

Xi's foreign policy is no secret

2014-05-30 07:41

Is President Xi Jinping's foreign policy really a mystery, as some foreign media seem to think? Ever since Xi became China's senior leader in November 2012, Western analysts have been trying to get the measure of the man, particularly his vision of China's international relations.

Voters of the EU send out a wake-up call

2014-05-30 07:41

This time it is different. That five-word slogan was the European Commission's message to the world, and more particularly EU voters, that was emblazoned on a huge banner that adorned its 13-story headquarters in Brussels until a few days ago.

Challenges galore at the high end

2014-05-30 07:41

Tighter restrictions on public spending crimped luxury brand sales in China last year, and going by current trends are not likely to provide much comfort this year also.

When the goose is killed, pigs will fly

2014-05-30 07:41

In many ways, China's Internet is by far the most open industry in its whole economy. The country's largest public websites, from the longest-standing general portals like Sina and Sohu to latecomers' sprawling empires like Tencent and Baidu to nascent e-commerce stars like Alibaba and JD, are all to a large extent owned by foreign investors.

Let the music flow on for a little longer

2014-05-30 07:41

On the evening of May 25 I attended a concert at the Poly Theater in Beijing in a T-shirt and shorts.

Yuan depreciation likely to be temporary

2014-05-23 07:42

The renminbi has decreased by more than 3 percent this year against the US dollar, reversing the trend of appreciation that had taken place since the end of a currency peg amid the global financial crisis in 2010.

Building a bridge to financial future

2014-05-23 07:42

The China Securities Regulatory Commission's decision to permit stock market access between the mainland and Hong Kong is likely to have a far-reaching impact on the Shanghai and Hong Kong bourses. Under the proposed plan, investors from the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong can freely invest in stocks listed in the reciprocal city.

Pricing strategies that matter

2014-05-23 07:42

Though China has signaled its intention to let the market play a decisive role in allocation of resources, it would need to make considerable progress on energy pricing to achieve tangible results in the long term.

New challenges, more opportunities

2014-05-23 07:42

Reform and opening up shouldn't be just a slogan. Considered as an effort that requires fresh input, one can see that in some ways, China is not doing as much as it did in Deng Xiaoping's time. Complacency at times may corrode sensitivities about global developments. Striving for dubious attainments can blur the vision of rising opportunities on the horizon.

Enduring bonds of everlasting friendship

2014-05-23 07:42

Some people can't help asking why Russian President Vladimir Putin should take part in the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia. The answer is that Asia is of special significance to Russia. Representing the combination of European and Asian systems, both geographically and politically, Russia objectively bonds the great expanse of land known as Eurasia.

Negative list needs some positive tweaks

2014-05-16 07:50

The term negative list has become a catchphrase since the Chinese government decided to adopt such a list in its negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty with the United States last July. On Sept 30, China announced its first negative list in governing foreign investment, applying it to the Shanghai (China) Free Trade Zone.

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