

High time for sea change

2013-03-15 09:00

As part of the government restructuring plan released on March 10, China will bring its maritime law enforcement forces under the unified management of one single administration, which will retain the name the State Oceanic Administration. This is an important step for China to better safeguard its maritime interests and achieve the goal of becoming a maritime power.

Finding future demographic balance

2013-03-15 09:00

Policy adjustment essential to maintain long-term economic growth

Ripe for the taking

2013-03-15 09:00

Sales of wine in China reached 8.5 billion euros ($11 billion) in 2012. In recent years, sales have grown by more than 20 percent. This year, total sales are targeted at 10.5 billion euros; in 2018, it's estimated to shoot up to 24 billion euros.

World's treasured new species: the Chinese tourist

2013-03-15 09:00

Despite the economic pall of gloom hanging over the planet, it seems that in the world of tourism the sun never quite sets.

Blame it on the helper

2013-03-15 09:00

Back in 2008, I came to New York for an investment conference that focused on China. The room was packed. People were standing; everyone was pumped. After scanning the crowd, I said to one of the attendees sitting next to me, "Maybe it's overheated right now." He looked at me as if I was from another planet.

Advantage of upgrading

2013-03-08 08:54

Recent data published by the National Bureau of Statistics indicate that China's working-age population decreased by 3.45 million during 2012. This was the first decline in decades, and it has caused widespread concern that the country's demographic dividend is coming to an end.

Attaining an olive-shaped society

2013-03-08 08:54

Workable measures should be drafted to increase the size of the middle-income group

More paper is not the answer

2013-03-08 08:54

Since 2008 and the great financial crash in the West, China, a fast-growing emerging country with the world's largest pool of savings, has been pushed into a central place as a result of the economic weakness of most of the developed or G7 countries.

China's financial might takes shape

2013-03-08 08:54

The US magazine Worth published a report recently analyzing the 100 most powerful people in global finance. Four were from China: Shang Fulin, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission; Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China; Lou Jiwei, chairman and CEO of China Investment Corp; and Jiang Jianqing, chairman of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. They were ranked 14th, 15th, 27th and 31st.

The documentary as a barometer of culture

2013-03-08 08:54

As the world has been transfixed by China's economic transformation over the past 30 years, another great change has taken place, one that has barely been noticed: a cultural reformation that some would say is a result of the prosperity that opening-up has brought to the country.

If you're happy and you know it...

2013-03-01 09:15

In his inaugural speech, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China, called for the realization of the "Chinese dream", which he described as "better education, more stable jobs, better income, more reliable social security, medical care of a higher standard, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment". While Xi did not use the term "happiness" directly, his speech was praised for its fresh, grassroots appeal to increase the happiness of the people.

Patent picture overblown

2013-03-01 09:15

Recent news that China's patent office is now the largest in the world prompted several breathless articles on how China had truly arrived on the innovation scene.

Time to push for new policy

2013-03-01 09:15

More than once, Italy's trends have prefigured larger European dynamics, for the best, the Renaissance; but also for the worst, Mussolini's fascism, and, by putting a finger on the Italian peninsula one often feels the pulse of a continent.

Pointing fingers helps neither side

2013-03-01 09:15

US and China should engage in a sustained dialogue on cyberspace issues to dispel mutual suspicions

How the west could be won

2013-03-01 09:15

So, with the Year of the Snake under way, it is now time for the majority of Chinese companies to put in place their annual business plan. The Chinese New Year, rather that the calender year, is also regarded by many foreign firms operating in China as a natural business year-ending event.

Market-based swap deals work best

2013-02-22 09:42

Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi LLC, a state-owned enterprise, owns Tavan Tolgoi, which is one of the world's largest untapped coal reserves and is located in Mongolia.

Waste not, worry not

2013-02-22 09:42

By 2075, the world's population will have grown by about 50 percent to 9.6 billion people, according to the United Nations. Even without adjusting for more meat-intensive diets, feeding those extra 3 billion people will require the world's farmers to produce at least 50 percent more food.

What's driving the auto sector?

2013-02-22 09:42

China holds the No 1 spot in the world for investment in the auto sector, according to consulting group KPMG's 2013 survey, which provides industry insights from 200 leaders across the global automotive sector.

Crisis presents opportunity

2013-02-22 09:42

How should Chinese enterprises respond to the situation? Is the eurozone crisis a question of seeking cover or taking advantage?

Prescription for change

2013-02-08 09:05

A decade of economic growth has created an ever-expanding middle class in China. With a better education background and bigger disposable income, they have become a major force as consumers in pursuit of a better way of life.

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