

Integral element of energy security

2013-09-20 15:35

By choosing Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica and Mexico as destinations for his second foreign trip, President Xi Jinping illustrated the strategic importance of the relations between Beijing and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, a bloc of 33 countries representing 600 million people.

A quantum leap forward for economy

2013-09-20 15:35

China's economic development is at a critical crossroads. Since the launch of reform and opening-up, the Chinese economy has undergone earthshaking changes. With its annual GDP growth rate averaging 9.5 percent, China's accelerated expansion greatly narrowed the gap between it and the world's major developed countries. But the thick smog and haze that frequently shroud central and northern parts of China have made everyone aware of the urgency of reducing emissions and bringing pollution under control, and many other problems, such as excessive investment, excess production capacity, high energy consumption, a widening wealth gap, and under-investment in social security, education and healthcare, are also hindering the country's healthy development.

China has many tools to avoid hard landing

2013-09-20 15:35

Releasing domestic demand will ensure the country maintains sustainable and balanced growth

Of symbiosis, fusion and umbrellas

2013-09-20 15:35

The month of October rules back-to-business-school. Another academic year approaches and yet again the business news and the business education industry remain dominated by Asia and the Chinese economy in particular. While Europe and the US remain sluggish at best, all the talk about business success now and probably long into the future is still about emerging markets, Asia and China in particular.

A time to hasten slowly

2013-09-20 15:35

Today's good news may be tomorrow's worry.

Pretexts and pretences: inside the corrupt mind

2013-09-20 15:35

Stepped-up efforts in fighting graft will leave open fewer doors for poor excuses

On course for sustainable growth

2013-09-13 10:11

Five years on from the start of the financial crisis, many countries now face new challenges as the world economy slowly recovers.

Flexing muscles will cause more harm than good

2013-09-13 10:11

Military buildup will lead to mistrust of japan by neighboring countries

Shanghai pioneers new liberalization

2013-09-13 10:11

During his landmark southern tour in 1992, Deng Xiaoping, lauded as the architect of China's reform and opening-up, admitted he had made an unwise decision in not making Shanghai one of the first special economic zones during the early 1980s.

Shaky markets need confident BRICS

2013-09-13 10:11

When the US Federal Reserve launched its second round of quantitative easing in 2010 it was widely criticized by emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil. These nations felt that by irresponsibly boosting global liquidity, the US was trying to solve its economic problems by transferring them to others.

President is a man of the world

2013-09-13 10:11

President Xi Jinping's third diplomatic trip abroad since assuming power in March has shored up his growing reputation as a statesman on the world stage, putting paid to speculation he would favor a stay-at-home leadership style.

The elephant and the dragon

2013-09-06 09:29

India is facing its worst financial crisis since 1991. After the rupee started to fall sharply against major currencies in May and June, the Indian central bank raised interest rates and imposed emergency capital controls on Aug 14 to prevent capital leaving the country.

Confucius Institutes more than language

2013-09-06 09:29

The development of the Confucius Institutes should not be interpreted as a mere linguistic phenomenon; it reveals six of the main features defining the Chinese renaissance: economic reemergence, speed of change, socio-political transformation, civilizational revival, China's outward projection and the entry, through a cognitive shift, into what could be called an era of a new Sinology.

Bold ideas call for intelligent execution

2013-09-06 09:29

Enterprising Chinese investors have to be cautious before expanding abroad

Visit cements closer Central Asia ties

2013-09-06 09:29

President Xi Jinping's state visits to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan from Sept 3 to 13 are another major diplomatic move by China's new leadership that has great significance.

Reducing financial risks in the virtual sector

2013-09-06 09:29

Government should guide money to the real economy to ensure stable growth

Lines crossed over graft in state firms

2013-09-06 09:29

Rarely have so many high-ranking economic officials in China made the headlines in such a short time - and all for the wrong reasons.

US divided on possible Syria attack

2013-09-06 09:29

Public, lawmakers wary of further wars like those in Iraq and Afghanistan

Real potential of Sino-Turkish ties

2013-08-30 09:59

Among the dynamics reshaping Eurasia, the "world continent" spanning from Europe to the Far East, the transformation of Sino-Turkish relations does not get the attention it deserves.

Collaboration key to progress

2013-08-30 09:59

Manufacturers in China continue to be challenged by intense global competition and the rise of key input costs. Yet, while growth in the rest of the world tapers off, China continues to be a magnet for global manufacturing companies.

European Edition