

China-EU cooperation makes sense

2011-02-25 10:17

The smooth development of China-EU relations is in the common interests of China and the European Union in the long run.

Domestic development needs limit overseas role

2011-02-18 10:27

It is unfair to expect China to take on unrealistic international responsibilities.

No more quick fix

2011-02-18 10:27

Admittedly, the world economy is on track for a dual-speed recovery.

Public perception key to good ties

2011-02-18 10:27

Chinese have a more positive view of Europe than most other countries but closer interaction needed

Save euro, save globalization

2011-02-11 07:40

The time has come for the eurozone and the rest of the world to use the current crisis as an opportunity to deepen economic integration.

China Inc needs global leaders

2011-02-11 10:37

Neither grassroots entrepreneurs nor Western-trained professional managers are effective substitutes

Keep inflation under check

2011-02-11 10:37

The latest interest rate hike that China announced on Tuesday was surprising only in its timing.

China's role in the world

2011-01-28 10:58

Nation should face up to responsibilities but also demand rest of world reciprocates.

East and West must cooperate or perish

2011-01-28 10:58

Size matters. If we look only at China's average level of development, we see a country with much the same standard of living as Thailand.

Jobs needed for recovery

2011-01-28 08:05

The uneven but strong global recovery that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has predicted for 2011 is cause for optimism.

Target Europe

2011-01-21 10:47

Savvy Chinese companies should aim to invest in EU countries, rather than the United States

Food path to Chinese mind

2011-01-21 10:47

When we think, we tend to be more collective in the choice of subjects.

Growth paves the way ahead

2011-01-21 10:46

The return of double-digit gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the full year of 2010 has virtually enabled China to replace Japan as the world's second largest economy.

Craving for luxury goods

2011-01-14 10:14

Chinese people have developed such a terrible desire for luxury goods produced by other countries that Emperor Qianlong must be turning in his grave now.

EU intertwined in China's security aims

2011-01-14 10:13

China's strategy for national security is its bedrock to achieve peace under evolving times and circumstances.

Evergreen envoys of friendship, prosperity

2011-01-14 10:13

The EU-China Year of Youth presents a golden opportunity for the younger generation to improve understanding by abandoning bias and stereotypes.

Liberalize interest rates further

2011-01-07 10:51

The removal of controls over deposit and lending rates will improve the health of China's banking industry, deepen China's capital markets.

Strengthen cooperation

2011-01-07 10:48

Vice-Premier Li Keqiang's ongoing visit to Europe is China's first high-profile diplomacy of 2011.

Visit kicks off fresh start to EU-China relations

2011-01-07 10:45

China has an enormous stake in the stability and prosperity of the EU, the largest market for its exports.

Entering a Chinese zeitgeist

2010-12-31 10:50

In viewing a traditional Chinese painting, the eyes do not have to follow a linear perspective from a fixed and external position to a vanishing point.

European Edition