

Cities with potential can resist bubbles

2014-03-28 08:41

How do people compare China's housing market with the bubble in Japan in the 1980s, or that in the US in the 2000s? It is an important question because it determines the answer to an even larger question: what is a safe bet for investors in China?

Reduce inequality to sustain economic growth

2014-03-28 08:41

Three decades of high economic growth in China have served to lift millions of people out of poverty. But at the same time, the gap between the rich and the poor has widened sharply, threatening welfare, social stability, and growth itself. Tackling inequality, therefore, is rightly at the top of the country's policy agenda.

China moving up to the next level

2014-03-21 08:16

A friend gave me a copy of a book, China Airborne, by James Fallows. The author was based in China during 2006-09 as a correspondent for the US monthly magazine The Atlantic.

New benchmark rate system is needed

2014-03-21 08:16

The liberalization of deposit rates promised by Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, at a recent press briefing at the annual session of the National People's Congress, will mark the country's final step in allowing banks to set their own interest rates.

Early trade data bodes well for exports this year

2014-03-21 08:16

China's trade experienced a roller coaster ride in the first two months of the year. It beat market expectations to jump sharply in January but nosedived in February.

That chat is all about WeChat

2014-03-21 08:16

Nothing characterizes the fast-moving world of international brand building more than the cluster of social and business networking sites that have exploded on to the scene in recent years, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and, of course, Facebook with its recently acquired Whatsapp messaging service.

Central bank's move to cool hot money

2014-03-21 08:16

From March 17, the yuan's exchange rate fluctuation against the US dollar was expanded from 1 percent to 2 percent above or below the daily midpoint the central bank sets in the interbank spot foreign exchange market.

For action on economic front, wait a while

2014-03-21 08:16

After the January-February data, investors can't be optimistic about China's GDP growth in the first quarter of the year.

In R&D, there is less R and more D

2014-03-14 12:50

Funding for applied and basic research in China remains low despite huge amounts being spent

Going Dutch is a good option for China

2014-03-14 12:50

The Netherlands and China have much to gain from one another

Trade agreements should not be political

2014-03-14 12:50

China, US must bury the hatchet and move ahead on economic cooperation

Rebalancing of the economy is good

2014-03-07 09:42

Behind the slowdown of the growth rate is the necessary shift to a new sustainable model

Anti-graft fight has to be taken to next level

2014-03-07 09:42

A sound legal system, full-fledged participation of the people are necessary to ensure clean governance

It's time to bell the cat

2014-03-07 09:42

Supervision needed to regulate Internet finance sector from excessive exposure to risks

Branding lessons from a tennis pro

2014-03-07 09:42

The way Li Na has been marketed reveals much about modern China

Economic wisdom from the margins

2014-03-07 09:42

Close attention to speeches will show the most innovative ideas come from regional delegates

Market economy buttressed by rule of law

2014-03-07 09:42

China needs to let the legal regime play a major role in regulating the market

Let there be death by debt, then new life

2014-02-28 08:43

Last month it became clear that one of the trust products that China Credit Trust Company sells faces default. The product, backed by assets from a once highly successful mining business, not only lacks the cash flow to repay its investment dividends, but also the necessary assets to cover the product's principal, which were both due on Jan 31.

Risk of corporate bribery must be reduced

2014-02-28 08:43

With almost daily reports of political and corporate corruption in the world media, you have to ask whether companies are taking sufficient steps to minimize the global risk of bribery.

Mind the gap to bridge the divide

2014-02-28 08:43

The Chinese economy has reached the stage where technology-digital savvy businesses are likely to be hailed as the new champions.

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