

Path to Libyan peace

2011-06-10 10:25

As the Libyan crisis worsens and its humanitarian situation deteriorates, China has stepped up its diplomatic efforts to promote a timely solution through political means.

Parents need to find the right balance

2011-06-03 10:52

Western parenting gives children too much freedom at too young an age

Food quality probes

2011-06-03 10:52

As the scope of the food scandal widens in Taiwan, some tainted commodities have found their way into the mainland and the ripples of the DEHP scare here call for further response on the part of the authorities.

Time for EU to turn the tide in its favor

2011-06-03 10:52

The European Union has high stakes in the Middle East and North Africa regions.

The two education systems should meet

2011-05-27 10:58

Chinese students work harder - much harder - than American students.

Action better than words

2011-05-27 10:58

During his recent tour to the US, General Chen Bingde, said the arms sales to Taiwan represented US interference in the domestic affairs of another country and are a "hegemonic" strategy.

IMF still needs to make changes to its structure

2011-05-27 10:58

Current power shift does not match existing institutional arrangements

Strategy for brand-building success

2011-05-27 10:58

Brand-building nowadays involves an increasing combination of many success factors, however far too many companies rush into the tactical details way too soon.

Peking Opera needs appealing to audiences

2011-05-27 10:58

Peking Opera is a Chinese national treasure with a history of more than 200 years.

China growth follows World Bank model

2011-05-20 10:34

China's economic performance is a subject of heated debate. Admirers see in China a country that has been growing at double digits and has lifted 500 million people out of poverty.

Tourism Day taps potential

2011-05-20 10:34

A booming tourism industry in China will be a blessing, not only for China's economy, but also for the global economy as a whole.

Build on security initiatives

2011-05-20 10:34

China and Europe must put ideological differences aside and seize clear opportunities for cooperation to fight non-traditional security threats

We must resist de-globalization

2011-05-20 10:34

Globalization is still an emotive word, but the phenomenon has been going on for centuries What have the Romans ever done for us? Well, they played their part.

Financial firms need to go global

2011-05-20 10:34

It goes without saying: Globalization of the Chinese financial industry is key to the globalization of China's enterprises.

US housing dream turns into nightmare

2011-05-13 10:58

Govt policy was one of the main causes of the subprime crisis

Rebuilding after disaster

2011-05-13 10:58

Three years ago on Thursday, we saw tears of despair. Wenchuan was hell on earth in the wake of the devastating tremor.

The vision of a better future

2011-05-13 10:58

From mutually beneficial to mutually transformational Sino-Western relations

The global rise of Chinese brands

2011-05-13 10:58

The annual BrandZ survey, which aims to identify the world's top 100 brands, has just been released for 2011 with an impressive, but not unexpected, showing by major Chinese brands.

New avenues for investment

2011-05-13 10:58

Chinese private equity and venture capital sectors are setting trends as part of an emerging role

End trade discrimination

2011-05-06 10:32

US and EU should recognize China's market economy status and stop rampant anti-dumping investigations

European Edition