

Golden haul with a hollow ring

2012-09-21 13:30

After a summer of frenzied excitement as it hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Britain is about to embark on a period of reflection.

Economic model must change

2012-09-14 09:46

But dramatic change causes pervasive problems. Can China achieve its goal of becoming a "moderately well-off society" in a world of turbulent markets and limited resources and in a society of social disparities and structural faults?

A remedy for product safety problems: consolidation

2012-09-14 09:46

It has been clear for some time that when it comes to buying food, product safety is Chinese consumers' No 1 concern. In thousands of interviews the China Market Research Group has conducted with primary household shoppers over the past four to five years, the overwhelming majority cite worries about toxic ingredients as their most influential factor when choosing food they buy for their families.

The lessons of a rediscovered friendship

2012-09-14 09:46

China's ties with a clutch of Central and Eastern European countries pave the way for a better relationship with the EU.

Dangers of a modern playground

2012-09-14 09:46

The rapid diffusion of new media such as computers and the Internet has changed the media landscape children face today, as they now spend more time playing online and video games than watching TV. Consequently, advertisers have shifted their investments from mass media to game advertising. It is estimated that by the end of 2012 the advertising industry will spend more than $2 billion (1.58 billion euros) promoting online games, but little is known about how Chinese children understand and cope with game advertising.

Like Janus, China looks at both past and future

2012-09-07 10:24

Hieratic order and revolutionary movement, imperial decorum and fluidity, nostalgia and futurism, introversion and openness: China's vigorous renewal manifests itself in a series of paradoxes.

It's time to fix things, not to get fixated

2012-09-07 10:24

Finger pointing fails to deal with the real problems with China-EU trade ties

Migration is a two-way street with benefits for all

2012-09-07 10:26

A few months after my wife was born in Shanghai in 1954 her father Fang Hanqi was appointed professor in the Journalism Department of Peking University. So she was raised in Beijing, where in 1966 she was caught up in the "cultural revolution" (1966-76), as her school was closed and bands of young people calling themselves Red Guards appeared on the streets of Beijing. A few years later she followed her father to a poor part of Jiangxi province where she worked on a farm for two years, carrying stones and helping villagers perform their daily tasks.

Insurance giant's challenge: to capture the spirit of youth

2012-09-07 10:26

Ping An, the world's second-largest insurance company, has announced its intention to team up with the world's third-largest Internet company Tencent, and China's largest e-shopping search engine, Alibaba, to deliver Internet financial services. It is a bold and ambitious venture.

Now for a place on the big stage

2012-09-07 10:26

In the past few years, I have been asked by dozens of media organizations why State-owned enterprises and local employers are so attractive to graduates. However, the latest ChinaHR-sponsored Best Employers List, an annual compilation of the most-desired employers among China's new graduates, contained a different view.

Investing too much in myths about economic growth

2012-08-31 10:42

Levels of investment have taken center stage in discussions over China's economy, with some commentators suggesting they are extravagant and ineffective.

What to do as the alarm bell rings

2012-08-31 10:42

There are signs that the engine of the world factory, China, is slowing down. Recent data indicate that in the non-financial services sector the number of newly established foreign enterprises and the amount of used foreign investment are falling, painting a picture of foreign investment withdrawing from China.

Magnetism still there, despite investment falls

2012-08-31 10:42

But the risks and uncertainties are evident

Washington's perilous power play

2012-08-31 10:42

Bitter disagreements about how to deal with the growing violence in Syria are damaging Washington's relations with China and Russia. Policy regarding the Syrian civil war has created worrisome tensions in these crucial bilateral relationships, which became evident as early as February 2012.

How Chinese companies can feed the world

2012-08-31 10:42

At a recent international food and agribusiness congress in Shanghai there was a debate about the ability of Chinese food companies to become international companies in the coming years. That means departing from their activities in China toward a more global presence, like the major food multinational corporations.

Convergence of interests

2012-08-24 09:23

The economic interdependence of China and the EU is the greatest reason for strengthening relations.
Extending hand of friendship

Extending hand of friendship

2012-08-24 09:23

EU should articulate to China that it needs to improve demand, employment and competitiveness.

Two can excel at being the best

2012-08-24 09:23

Medals rivalry between China and the US at the Olympics holds a valuable lesson for both

Home truths on Chinese investment

2012-08-24 09:23

Economic dynamics are driving companies to sow their seeds in foreign fields. PetroChina on 'buy' drive

Campaign trails and corporate paths

2012-08-17 11:11

It is high political season in the United States and like my fellow citizens I follow the presidential candidates - their strategies and policies, personalities and positionings, frustrations and foibles.

European Edition