

Booming brands mark change in China

2015-02-06 07:39

It was less than one week ago that the launch of the annual BrandZ report on the 100 most valuable Chinese brands for 2015 took place.

Opening the tap a little ensures reforms

2015-02-06 07:39

The timing that the People's Bank of China chose for lifting the credit supply says a lot about Chinese leaders' economic concerns.

Growing China is repaying the world

2015-02-06 07:39

The modernization drive in China is one of the largest in human history. It will provide modern living conditions to an estimated 1.5 billion people - that is, one and half times the combined population of the developed world - by the middle of the 21st century.

Reform to help level playing field

2015-01-30 08:40

China recently took a major step forward in the reform of its foreign investment regulation. On Jan 19, the Ministry of Commerce released a draft Foreign Investment Law to solicit public opinion.

Greece's path is neither left nor right

2015-01-30 08:40

Successes that political parties of the far left and far right have chalked up in Europe in the past year or so impede the continent's push towards integration even as its economic woes continue.

Reinforcing ties with China a necessity

2015-01-30 08:40

Change was in the wind when Syriza swept to victory in Greece's election on Jan 25 on an anti-austerity, pro-growth platform, riding a wave of anger over German-backed austerity policies.

Wanda shows that it is on the ball once again

2015-01-30 08:40

So the European Central Bank plans to inject about 1 trillion euros in order to reflate the persistently sluggish eurozone economy.

Dark side of China's overseas investment

2015-01-30 08:40

Weighing up all the factors at work, China's domestic economy will probably be OK this year. There will be some areas, like Internet-based small enterprises, that will see a great leap forward. But there will be a dark side, and that will be about the money.

Give China its due in global economy

2015-01-30 08:40

The history of international economic cooperation teaches us one important lesson: every form of cooperation will die, essentially if not formally, if it does not adapt to new conditions.

Chinese 'soft power' adds to durable peace

2015-01-23 10:38

The discovery of the atom bomb in the early 1940s, and its subsequent adoption as a weapon by the major world powers, including China, changed the nature of war from major regional or global conflagrations involving many millions of people, to more limited conflicts with much lower casualty and death rates.

A time to act, a time to stick together

2015-01-23 10:38

For the past two years the rise of China has dominated the agenda of the World Economic Forum when it has held its annual winter meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Before this year's five-day meeting opened on Jan 20, some, by force of habit, were saying things would be no different this time, even if that should certainly not be the case.

Club Med, a success over isolation and ignorance

2015-01-23 10:38

The landmark Club Med transaction by Fosun International is probably the most famous China-Europe investment thus far in history.

Whatever happened to hard bargaining?

2015-01-23 10:38

Everything in China is negotiable, so goes the saying, reminding foreign travelers to be on guard and avoid getting ripped off.

Bargaining tips

2015-01-23 10:38

In China, tourist spots often charge too much, with vendors taking the advantage of foreign tourists' lack of knowledge to charge visitors outrageous prices.

There's only one cure for slow economy

2015-01-23 10:38

How do you cope with a prolonged period of low growth, which economists call secular stagnation or economic immobilism?

EU must see China with fresh eyes

2015-01-23 10:38

The next 18 months to two years will be a watershed period in relations between the European Union and China.

A more realistic target

2015-01-16 10:23

China missed its foreign trade target last year. According to the General Administration of Customs, the world's largest trader imported and exported 26.43 trillion yuan ($4.26 trillion, 3.6 trillion euros), a 2.3 percent increase year-on-year, a far cry from the 7.5-percent target set at the beginning of the year. This is the third consecutive year that China has missed its yearly trade target.

Investment opportunities still abound in China

2015-01-16 10:23

China's economy, which is in the process of transformation and adjustment, is experiencing turbulence.

Pacts to reshape Asia-Pacific trade

2015-01-16 10:23

Closer economic and financial ties between China and South Korea are expected to have a significant impact on the two countries and the Asia-Pacific as a whole.

The year to expose China's losers

2015-01-16 10:23

Investment banks have released quite a few reports on China in 2015. Some points are obvious.

European Edition