

In luxury industry, not everything is rolled gold

2012-06-15 12:40

Mainland buyers resist the trappings of wealth

Europe provides sparkling example, and China is following

2012-06-15 12:40

The world was awed by the way sprawling European cities sitting on the Danube and the Rhine revitalized themselves during the 1970s, 80s and 90s.

Global trends and China's future

2012-06-08 10:41

How will the world look in 2030? Which trends will have the greatest impact over the next two decades? Will China become the world's largest economy as well as a political and military great power? What will be the implications of the rise of China and India and of the emergence of a polycentric world for future global governance? These are some of the questions addressed by the recently published ESPAS (European Strategy and Policy Analysis System) report titled Global Trends 2030 - Citizens in an Interconnected and Polycentric World.

NGOs from overseas are a growing force

2012-06-08 10:41

Foreign organizations can only participate within formal and informal rules laid out

Shifting and shaping of financial centers

2012-06-08 10:41

China faces challenge of reconciling market-driven financial sector with policy-driven growth.

Wanda takeover: Is the script right?

2012-06-08 10:41

No apparent financial logic for buying AMC but deal may pay off in long run

EU shouldn't forget strategic context

2012-06-01 10:53

Trade deficit fueling concern in Europe, even if it is likely to subside for structural cyclical reasons.

An end with horror is better than horror with no end

2012-06-01 10:53

Did you know that the Germans have a sense of humor? It's well-hidden, but you can see that they do from the title to this article, which is a German comment on the European situation.

Slowly, steadily up the brand ladder

2012-06-01 09:12

Chinese companies no longer occupy 'low cost', 'cheap' position in consumers' minds

China needs to change trade strategy

2012-06-01 09:12

For several decades, China has built its economic strategy on four pillars: exports, foreign direct investment, fixed-asset investment and domestic consumption. Of these, exports have played a vital role - they have drawn in FDI, underpinned investment in fixed assets and fueled domestic consumption.

New frontier in offshore exploration

2012-05-25 08:27

Deployment of deepwater oil rig is sign that China is stepping into the big league

Path to riches is paved through cities

2012-05-25 08:27

Last year marked a milestone in China's several-thousand-year history: for the first time, more people lived in cities and towns than in the countryside. The country's 690 million urban dwellers now account for 51.3 percent of China's total population of 1.35 billion. China's recent urban transition is definitely a historic event of global importance. Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz has called the process one of the two main forces shaping the world in the 21st century.

A new carbon order emerges

2012-05-25 10:43

Chinese consumers could become the driving force behind environment-friendly products

EU, China need to bridge 'trust gap'

2012-05-25 10:43

As the eurozone crisis deepens, the European Union's dependence on Chinese pockets increases.

Fiscal system needs to be reformed

2012-05-18 10:57

Tax structures should be rationalized to raise more revenue for social spending.

Renewed ambition for Sino-French ties

2012-05-18 10:57

Nature of relationship with China will define Hollande's presidency.

A Bright future for Chinese food industry

2012-05-18 10:57

Dairy major's takeover of iconic UK brand could be just the sign of things to come.

Chinese education carries weight of expectations

2012-05-18 08:52

Parenting style different from the West has historical, cultural connotations

'Naked resignations' reveal workplace frustrations

2012-05-11 11:43

One of the hot phrases during the rounds recently in China is "naked resignation" - which means quitting a job without lining up another.

Relocation can be unsettling

2012-05-11 11:41

What companies can do to overcome the burgeoning issue of relocation within China.

European Edition