

Woes leave legacy we can be thankful for

2012-10-26 10:08

The temptation of delaying economic reform for the sake of so-called stability needs to be resisted

China and innovation: some myths to dispel

2012-10-26 10:08

Just as how the US leads in technology, so too can China

How to get the eggs into the right basket

2012-10-26 10:08

Increasingly important Chinese investment in Europe needs to be fine-tuned

Evidence shows Diaoyu Dao is China's territory

2012-10-19 10:39

On Sept 10, the Japanese government announced its decision to "purchase" China's Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated Nanxiao Dao and Beixiao Dao in a bid to "nationalize" these islands. In the wake of it, the Chinese government expressed solemn position and adopted strong countermeasures, the Chinese people voiced strong indignation and demonstrated enormous cohesiveness against the Japanese move, and the voice of justice and great alarm was heard in the international community. These have combined to deal a serious blow to the arrogance of the Japanese side. Yet Japan has obstinately refused to correct its erroneous position. On the contrary, it has continued to take unscrupulous steps to infringe upon China's territorial sovereignty and challenge the post-war international order.

It's time for Chinese business to turn on the lights

2012-10-19 10:39

In February last year the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker Huawei wrote an open letter to the US government that complained of being unfairly excluded from the US market, and asked for a formal investigation into its business activities in the US. In response, in November the US government body responsible for overseeing national security and intelligence, the House Intelligence Committee, began investigating the suitability of Huawei and another big Chinese telecoms supplier, ZTE, as suppliers to national communications networks in the US. On Oct 8 the committee published a report on the US national security issues posed by Chinese telecommunication companies Huawei and ZTE.

A marriage of highly mutual convenience

2012-10-19 10:39

That distinctive autumnal nip in the air and a sea of beautifully colored falling leaves signals the start of another academic year. Universities around the world will now be a hive of activity as they reach out to their local, national and international communities. But just how many universities, particularly Western ones, really reach out to the world of international business? How many universities venture inside specific companies to educate and train and contribute directly to increased company competitiveness?

What do the Chinese people believe?

2012-10-12 10:01

In 2006, an old woman fell, fracturing a bone. A young man called Peng Yu helped her up and sent her to the hospital. Later the old woman claimed that Peng was the one who had injured her and sued him for damages. The court found Peng liable, ordering him to pay 46,000 yuan ($7,300, 5,600 euros).

Lost in the forest, Europe needs some direction

2012-10-12 10:01

Compass the EU uses as it looks for the right path in dealing with China is faulty.

Cheaper labor will continue to work for economy

2012-10-12 10:01

Other demographic trends are evolving to sustain China's advantage

Foreign firms aim global, merge local

2012-10-12 10:01

Advertising enterprises entering the chinese market need alliances with local counterparts

Radical innovation demands much more inspiration

2012-10-12 10:01

China, with the rest of the world, needs to learn how to impart 'know-how' rather than 'know-about'

New media improves transparency

2012-10-05 08:52

I look back at my more than 20 years going to China and, without doubt, the Chinese people today live far better lives. Both material goods and personal freedoms have never been greater.

Investment fall is nothing to fret about

2012-10-05 08:52

Switch of funds to different sectors will ultimately be of immense benefit to china.

Managing risk on the world stage

2012-10-05 08:52

Chinese construction companies have a lot of work to do if they are to be competitive

No longer just a factory for the world

2012-10-05 08:52

Relationship between China and multinational firms is set to become a lot more complex

China can produce. Can China create?

2012-09-28 10:31

The challenge of innovation is what new leaders face.

Vying for position on the giant retail shelf

2012-09-28 10:31

With the recent closure of four Tesco outlets and rumors about Carrefour's exit from China, the strategy of making an emerging market a global retailer's growth engine becomes debatable.

A step down the ladder

2012-09-28 10:31

Since Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations (in 1776, the same year that the 13 American colonies of the Commonwealth declared their independence from Britain), economists have tried to understand the factors that make a country's economy more competitive. It's an important question, because a country's prosperity, and the material comfort of its people, depend on improvements in economic productivity. Given that there are only 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year, and given no huge changes in resource endowment, it's just the gains in each person's productivity that make the country richer.

How to keep staying ahead

2012-09-28 10:31

This year's Global Competitiveness Report has just been published and, for the first time in seven years, China's competitiveness ranking has declined. China appears 29th in the rankings, compared with 26th last year.

The 'big four' concerns of Chinese

2012-09-21 13:30

An ancient Chinese philosopher described the perfect society as "living in harmony, treating others as family... there is love and caring for the elderly ... nourishment and education for children ... kindness and compassion for widows, orphans, the disabled and the sick".

European Edition