

How fast firms dodge retail price wars

2013-08-30 09:59

China's retail industry increasingly resembles an army of mice running on wheels. More and more money is being invested, but at the end of the day, companies find themselves running neck and neck with the rest of the competition, with nothing much to show for all the effort.

The unseen cost of corruption

2013-08-30 09:59

Corruption always has a price tag. But more often than not, the invisible price runs much higher than the visible one.

Structural adjustments vital for development

2013-08-30 09:59

Stable growth, robust employment numbers, inflation checks should be key goals for policymakers

How the cookie crumbled for Tesco

2013-08-23 10:34

About nine years after the British supermarket chain Tesco launched its gung-ho, go-it-alone expansion across the Chinese mainland, it announced on Aug 9 that it was to merge its unprofitable operation into a state-run company as a minority partner. Tesco's partner, state-owned China Resources Enterprise Limited, will dominate the tie-up, with Tesco taking just a 20 percent stake.

New Zealand apology explains a lot

2013-08-23 10:34

China's economic success has changed the world. China has become integrated into the global economy, and therefore into global affairs.

Generational curse of family enterprises

2013-08-23 10:34

Asia's high-velocity economic development is turning it into an epicenter of the global economy. Among the stalwarts of the Asian economy, often representing more than half a nation's GDP, are family businesses, many of them owned by ethnic Chinese families in China and throughout the Asian diaspora.

Right steps at the right time

2013-08-23 10:34

People notice. And it is not difficult to tell the difference between "to reform" and "not to reform". The flurry of reform proposals unveiled by the policymakers in China during the past few weeks has no doubt caught the attention of all concerned.

New digital hope for suffering newspapers

2013-08-23 10:34

The sale of the Washington Post to a dotcom billionaire is a milestone in media history

Data for a sound economic future

2013-08-16 09:02

July trade figures are an indication that growth momentum is returning in China

When one big piggy was on the market

2013-08-16 09:02

Trade relations between China and US tied to fate of pork giant's acquisition

Lessons from the Summer of 2013

2013-08-16 09:02

Stricter government policies have paved the way for a more sustainable future

Healing economy augurs well for future

2013-08-16 09:02

Analysts foresee stable growth, robust pipeline for funds in second half of year

Parents at a loss after new milk safety scandal

2013-08-16 09:02

Fonterra issue indicates that big is not necessarily safe in the dairy industry

How to tap into China's gray market

2013-08-09 09:22

The aging population presents exciting potential for well-informed manufacturers and retailers

Reaping the dividends of transition

2013-08-09 09:22

New policies set to usher in fresh era of economic growth in China

Beware big success crowding out smaller players

2013-08-09 09:22

China faces dilemma of state firms doing well at expense of private sector and balanced economy

Birth of a new communications order

2013-08-09 09:22

Globalization is flowing from the rest to the West, and the West will have to adapt

Driven by the new or shackled to the old

2013-08-09 09:22

Not all provinces have realized the inevitability of economic change or are learning to adapt

Maverick official's blogs give life to 'zombie' accounts

2013-08-09 09:22

Though they may not agree, netizens appreciate vice-governor's personal touch

Likonomics is about reform and growth

2013-08-02 08:55

Many Chinese observers have been talking about Likonomics which aims to characterize the way Premier Li Keqiang is expected to manage the economy. There are three pillars of Likonomics often quoted: no stimulus, structural reform (short-term pain, long-term gain), and deleveraging. We believe these characterizations are misleading. The priority is not reform "instead" of growth, but reform "and" growth, as we believe it should be. Stimulus is already being implemented, though the size is likely to be small. And the concern for growth implies that the objective is not direct "deleveraging" but a controlled pace of ongoing "leveraging".

European Edition