

Rude shock, and no breakfast, on a high-speed train

2015-03-13 08:08

With more than 16,000 kilometers of high-speed rail network, or 60 percent of the world's total, China has gained worldwide fame over the past 10 years.

Understanding forged in passage of time

2015-03-06 07:47

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Italy and China.

The economy's steep uphill climb

2015-03-06 07:47

Last year the Chinese economy entered a phase that President Xi Jinping dubbed the new normal, which encompasses three challenges: a tempering of economic growth, structural adjustments and the re-examining of problems left by the 4 trillion yuan stimulus package of 2008-09.

Not surprised by a lack of surprises

2015-03-06 07:47

In China, the first half of every March is the time for the so-called two sessions - the annual meetings of the top legislature of the National People's Congress and the political advisers in the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

The 100-minute countdown to an apocalypse

2015-03-06 07:47

A 100-minute video documentary on China's appalling environmental pollution that was released last month has drawn a huge amount of attention and comment on the Internet.

Renminbi may follow own script

2015-02-20 09:27

In October, the UK government became the first in the Western world to issue a sovereign bond in China's currency, the renminbi.

A road by any other name

2015-02-20 09:27

The extent to which China is understood by the world partly depends on the quality of translation of the complicated Chinese language into foreign tongues. But such work is always challenging, especially when translating the full meaning of simplified buzzwords and phrases into English.

China may not have allies, but it has many friends

2015-02-20 09:27

It's puzzling to hear some Americans, such as CNN journalist-analyst Fareed Zakaria, say that China has no friends.

Banks' pain can turn out to be a gain

2015-02-20 09:27

Chinese banks face challenging times amid a shrinking deposit base, rising financing costs and narrowing profit margins. But that is not necessarily a bad thing, as the pain of banks, a result of healthy competition, is the gain of the financial industry as a whole.

An issue beyond firecrackers and cleaners

2015-02-20 09:27

A photograph of two elderly street cleaners holding a heart-shaped card with a message that appeals to young people to set off fewer firecrackers so that they could return home earlier to celebrate the Spring Festival has gone viral on Chinese social media. Like some other online hot topics, the cleaners' plea has drawn netizens into a debate on social issues.

Welcome the new year with new resolve

2015-02-20 09:27

Everyone who has come into contact with China must probably be musing about the Spring Festival now, because it is that time of the year when more than 1 billion trips are made across the country for family reunions. Many foreigners living and working in China celebrate two "New Years" - one on Jan 1 and the other either later that month or in February.

On the backs of its consumers

2015-02-13 08:53

During the next 10 years, China's economic growth will depend largely on whether the huge consumer potential of its 1.3 billion citizens is fully utilized, and whether it can transform its development model from one being driven by investment and export to one driven by consumption.

No pain, no gain in trade transformation

2015-02-13 08:53

China's foreign trade got off to a rocky start in 2015, declining 10.8 percent in January compared with the previous year to 2.09 trillion yuan ($334.4 billion, 294.7 billion euros), according to figures by the General Administration of Customs.

'New normal' needs an innovative push

2015-02-13 08:53

Although six years have passed since the global financial crisis broke out, many countries have not yet overcome its impact, while the global economy is still facing uncertainties.

Drop in oil prices not the pits

2015-02-13 08:53

The decline in crude oil prices globally is expected to have more positive than negative effects on China's overall economy.

Nation's patience will pay off

2015-02-13 08:53

Does China's anti-corruption campaign help the economy? At first glance, it's hard to say. Looking into the near future, one just might say it doesn't.

Stolen at knifepoint: a sense of safety

2015-02-13 08:53

Waiting for a colleague on a late afternoon in Brussels recently I got a text message saying she was at a police station reporting that she had been robbed and assaulted.

Airports take off as economic centers

2015-02-06 07:39

Today's major airports have moved beyond 20th century centers of mass transit to also become 21st century strategic business infrastructure. In the process, they are attracting nearly all commercial activities traditionally found in metropolitan downtowns.

PM's choice: new ideas or political death

2015-02-06 07:39

In the two weeks or so since winning office, new Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has wasted no time in beginning to honor the promises he made in the country's election campaign.

No alarm in Greece's U-turn on port privatization

2015-02-06 07:39

On Jan 27, hours after taking office, the new Greek government halted the privatization of the country's largest port in Piraeus.

European Edition