

A new type of people-to-people diplomacy

2015-09-25 08:00

President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United States was high powered, high profile and high intensity - Internet and big business events in Seattle; the summit in Washington; and then activities honoring the 70th anniversary of the United Nations in New York.

Xi will get a bigger welcome in UK

2015-09-25 08:00

President Xi Jinping's visit to the United Kingdom in October may be less problematic than his current trip to the United States, if media reports in both countries are anything to go by.

For China, EU and world, 5G is future

2015-09-25 08:00

The first visit of Gunther Oettinger, as European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, to Beijing on Sept 28 will be of the utmost importance.

Transition is no new concept for China

2015-09-25 08:00

Few economists have explained for the world the difference between what is called development and what the Chinese call transition.

EU should help build more bridges with China

2015-09-25 08:00

A careful reading of the joint statement of Premier Li Keqiang and European Union leaders during their summit in June will give an idea of the great mission European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen will carry when he flies to Beijing to chair the EU-China High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue.

Motorola drags down flourishing band

2015-09-18 07:41

Chinese global PC giant Lenovo continues to receive some of the most severely critical media coverage in its history. Not that surprising given that the company recently reported a 51-percent fall in first-quarter profits to $105 million (92.5 million euros).

Solutions elusive in Syrian refugee crisis

2015-09-18 07:41

In Hong Kong, where I worked in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a journalist, much was made by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and government officials of the pull factor, which drove tens of thousands of Vietnamese to board rickety old boats and brave the waves and pirates infesting the South China Sea.

EU must pressure US to take in Syrian refugees

2015-09-18 07:41

Politicians in Brussels are known to splash eye-catching slogans across huge banners adorning the 13-story European Commission building to drum up support for their political agendas. But recent months have not seen any such banner.

Preparing for Belt and Road success

2015-09-18 07:41

The Belt and Road Initiative, which is China's strategy to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, will be an important strategy for China's opening-up over a long time into the future.

Plan too broad to brush out problems

2015-09-18 07:41

Beijing recently released joint guidelines on the next round of reforms for state-owned enterprises.

Industry Special: Customer satisfaction is key for APP-China

2015-09-18 07:41

APP-China, a leading papermaking company in the country, considers customer satisfaction integral to its business.

Confucius has something to offer everyone

2015-09-11 07:28

The fortunes of Confucius have waxed and over the millennia since he was dispensing wisdom to the elite of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BC). But despite challenges of various kinds from Daoism, Legalism, Buddhism, modernism, Maoism and other schools of thought, Confucius is still a unifying symbol of China.

Economic shift shows in lack of data

2015-09-11 07:28

People always complain about China's lack of transparency in economic information. But there are two types of opaqueness in a time of transition.

To walk fast, walk alone; to walk far, walk together

2015-09-11 07:28

Nine months ago, I made a New Year's resolution to go on 20-kilometer walks at least 20 times this year after I managed to cover that distance in suburban Brussels on Jan 1.

China's future is everyone's future

2015-09-11 07:28

On Aug 11, global financial markets were stunned when the People's Bank of China, the central bank, announced without warning that the yuan would be allowed to find its own market level against the dollar and other major currencies.

Views on KMT like plucking straws

2015-09-11 07:28

Someone once said that analyzing international relations is a bit like plucking straws out of the wind to build the roof over one's head - slow, painstaking but ultimately satisfying. And that's the case with the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, a relic of the Chinese civil war that ended in victory for Mao Zedong's forces in 1949.

All eyes on China's military power

2015-09-05 07:43

China's military parade on Sept 3 in Beijing gave military analysts and observers worldwide the chance to see the growth that has turned it into a strong country and an economic powerhouse.

Western leaders missed rare chance to build peace

2015-09-05 07:43

US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should have been among the world leaders attending the parade in Beijing on Sept 3 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, because, as influential leaders, they are expected to provide global leadership and safeguard peace and stability.

Removal of 20-year-old rule a boon to banks

2015-09-05 07:43

A few days ago, legislators adopted an amendment to the Law on Commercial Banks, removing a stipulation of a 75 percent loan-to-deposit ratio.

New rules can put banks on digital path

2015-09-05 07:43

The tech giants are definitely moving in on banking in China. Their growth has been so significant and influential that the central government recently released guidelines to "promote the sound and steady progress of the emerging industry".

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