

AIIB will do things a little differently

2016-03-11 08:09

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank began operations on Jan 16, with its 57 founding members witnessing its launch.

Switched on to digital trans-Pacific route

2016-03-11 08:09

Rather than slowing down, globalization is morphing. As Digital Globalization: The New Era of Global Flows, a recent report from McKinsey Global Institute, tells us, digital flows are now more economically significant than trade in goods.

Innovation shakes up financial industry

2016-03-04 07:59

Yirendai, a microfinancing company owned by Beijing-based Credit-Ease, completed an initial public offering on Dec 18 on the Nasdaq in New York, raising $75 million in new capital.

Chinese kids abroad need Chinese schools

2016-03-04 07:59

A Belgian friend, who runs a medium-sized chemical company and employs four Chinese nationals, recently said a multinational is not worth its name today if it does not employ Chinese and do business with China.

After all these years, time to see Beijing for myself

2016-03-04 07:59

It's time to confess. In the 55 years since I first set foot on a plane (a propeller-driven Vickers Vanguard operated by British European Airways), I've traveled and worked all over the world. But I've never been to Beijing - until now.

No one-size-fits-all for Chinese tourists

2016-03-04 07:59

And so the Chinese New Year holiday has ended for another year and we can now settle down to the Year of the Monkey. Or can we?

Real challenge for new five-year plan

2016-03-04 07:59

The first couple of weeks in March is the time for China's two sessions: the annual meetings of the legislature, the National People's Congress, and the top advisory body, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

There's no basis for yuan depreciation in long run

2016-03-04 07:59

Of all the issues discussed at the G20 meeting for finance ministers and central bank governors in Shanghai on Feb 26 and 27, exchange rate policy was one of the most important.

'China collapse' argument mistaken

2016-02-26 08:57

China is taking over the world" was a casual remark by an American blue-collar worker, said in a resigned sort of way.

Beyond a bilateral negotiation

2016-02-26 08:57

The protectionist sentiment and confrontational approach that have emerged in the European Union are worrying, as well as being regrettable and misleading.

Brussels streets show the dual view of China

2016-02-26 08:57

Two China-themed public events were organized in Brussels this month.

Chasing China's richest man can be an adventure

2016-02-26 08:57

I don't know that many billionaires. I once shook hands with an affable Richard Branson, the ever-so-slightly bohemian billionaire figure behind the Virgin brand, and I was on first-name terms with Michael Bloomberg - Mike to his friends - when I worked for him at his eponymous news service.

Time to build on China's strengths

2016-02-26 08:57

In a time of easy money, or continuous supply of easy credit, it seems no one is saying "cash is king". That is a phrase that one hears in a business slump, when sales fall and banks stop lending.

Opening up services sector key for reform

2016-02-26 08:57

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-20), China's development will be powered by transformation and reforms.

On right track for quality development

2016-02-26 08:57

The surprising thing now is not that the Chinese economy is slowing, but that there are so many who seem surprised by this.

Anti-graft storm propels growth in long run

2016-02-26 08:57

During a trip to a coal-producing province, I found that officials at a road checkpoint played cards and the loser paid by working extra hours instead of handing over money. Before 2012, it was just the opposite - they quarreled with each other in order to work extra hours.

Toward continuing 'entente cordiale'

2016-02-05 08:06

Last year, as China and France celebrated the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties, President Xi Jinping paid a visit to what he called "a special friend and win-win partner". Leaders of both countries decided to steer the China-France relationship into a new era of close and lasting comprehensive strategic partnership.

EU's twin achievements look shaky

2016-02-05 08:06

For years, European Union mandarins in Brussels have touted two things as successful achievements for the body - the single currency, called, unsurprisingly, the euro, and the Schengen Agreement on free movement within certain member states.

Initial Syria peace momentum must be built on

2016-02-05 08:06

With representatives of Syrian government and the opposition beginning talks on a ceasefire and peace-building process for the war-torn country in Geneva on Jan 29, leaders of more than 70 countries are scheduled to gather in London on Feb 4 to galvanize international resources and deliver assistance to the millions of people in Syria and neighboring regions desperately in need of help.

Popularity contest to determine fortune

2016-02-05 08:06

Some forecasts say the Chinese economy will go through greater difficulty in 2016 than last year. That may not be the case for many private-sector companies. It's because for many of them, 2015 was already hard enough and the only way to go is up.

European Edition