

Reform is only way forward for economy

2015-09-05 07:43

Observers of the Chinese economy follow two different lines. One is focused on the short-term targets, if not instant gains.

Lesson to be learned from EU's refugee influx

2015-09-05 07:43

The desperate attempts of refugees to enter Europe have caught the world's attention, and China has a lesson to learn from it.

Yuan fall can lead to branding strategies

2015-08-28 08:29

The recent depreciation of the Chinese Yuan has certainly caught many by surprise, generating knee-jerk reaction and comment, much of which painted a rather gloomy outlook for the Chinese economy.

Common way to avoid West's ills

2015-08-28 08:29

The Confucian idea of the harmonious society is one of the great principles of economic thought. Yet whether the concept is consistent with innovation, that essential engine of growth, is an increasingly significant question for any modern economy.

Giant pandas hard at work for China

2015-08-28 08:29

It has to be the marketing man's dream. Think giant pandas, think China.

Will Japan ever have courage to own up to its past?

2015-08-28 08:29

Since China will hold activities, including a parade, on Sept 3 to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory in the war against fascism, I went on a one-day tour of Berlin on Saturday to see what World War II means to the German people and returned with respect for the city for facing its past with honesty.

Changing face of illegal immigration

2015-08-21 08:16

For decades, illegal immigration has been testing the emotion of Britons, whether it was through the flood of Vietnamese boat people heading for the then UK-controlled territory of Hong Kong, the plight of illegal Chinese immigrants picking cockles in northwest England, or the thousands of people risking all in Calais to get to Britain.

Tsipras faces a tough task to trigger growth

2015-08-21 08:16

For Greece, the turbulence of the last six months has offered proof that this debt-ridden country really only has one choice: It must tighten its belt to trigger growth.

Olympics redux: What it will mean

2015-08-21 08:16

On July 31, when the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, announced that Beijing had become the host of the 2022 Winter Games, the Chinese capital made history by becoming the first city to be awarded both the summer and winter Olympics.

Beijing in need of proper urban planning

2015-08-21 08:16

To focus on its role as China's capital and shift some non-capital functions from the city center, Beijing has decided to make its Tongzhou district a "subsidiary administrative center".

Guideline a shot in the arm for tourism sector

2015-08-21 08:16

The guideline to promote tourism that was approved by the State Council, China's Cabinet, in late July has invited wide public attention, because many believe the focus on increasing investments in the tourism sector will boost the tourism market and thus drive economic growth.

New grand canal promises trade boon

2015-08-14 08:55

China's Belt and Road Initiative will gradually reshape Eurasia, but within this grand vision of a new Silk Road, it is the construction of the Kra Canal in southern Thailand that could have the greatest impact.

Six big issues China must address

2015-08-14 08:55

With the recent stock market rout, unimpressive growth data, and the yuan's fall against the US dollar, the Chinese economy seems to be in a particularly difficult stage.

Scotch in urgent need of a creative twist

2015-08-14 08:55

Kelvin Tam likes to introduce himself as China's very own "Scotch whisky priest".

As landscape changes, caravan rolls on

2015-08-14 08:55

Britons don't normally do revolution, the last major upheaval here happening in the mid-17th century when a rather puritanical, austere military leader called Oliver Cromwell headed up the parliamentary forces that toppled King Charles I, leading to a Commonwealth that lasted barely 50 years before the monarchy was re-established.

Time for EU and China to act on a free-trade deal

2015-08-14 08:55

After the European Union and its fifth-largest trading partner Vietnam announced recently that they had agreed in principle to lift most tariffs on goods in coming years, China and the EU should seriously think about removing their customs barriers to boost the combined economies of roughly 2 billion consumers.

All countries need structural reforms

2015-08-14 08:55

Policymakers may breathe freely again after the passing of the roller-coaster month of July, when the Greek debt crisis and the Chinese stock market plunge almost spun out of control.

Challenge of frugal and green Winter Olympics

2015-08-14 08:55

The International Olympic Committee recently awarded the 2022 Winter Olympic Games to Beijing, which will host the sports gala with Zhangjiakou, a city in neighboring Hebei province.

Xi makes his governance comprehensive

2015-08-07 09:24

President Xi Jinping will be making a crucial state visit to Washington at a time when most American China watchers have become pessimistic about Sino-US relations.

TV series reignites debate over school system

2015-08-07 09:24

It is becoming compulsory viewing - highly motivated Chinese teachers taking on an unruly class of English teenagers at a state school in Hampshire, aiming to subject them to Chinese-style education techniques for four weeks.

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