

Central city is the focus of green attention

2015-11-20 08:08

As the Paris global climate change conference approaches, the whole world is focused on where and how to cut CO2 emissions. Wuhan, the biggest city in Central China, is no exception but faces relatively more severe challenges.

Trimming economy's sails amid transition

2015-11-20 08:08

People are gaining more and more knowledge about China's economic transition since Li Keqiang became premier almost three years ago. With lessons drawn from their experience, China-based businesspeople, despite the lingering slowdown, know better what the changes would be like than ever before.

Challenge of US-led trade pact can be overcome

2015-11-20 08:08

Twelve countries have signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, but it is too early to gauge how it will affect China's economy, because the huge development differences between TPP members mean it will take them a long time to fully implement the agreement.

Toy story with a happy Chinese ending

2015-11-13 08:12

It is clearly apparent that President Xi Jinping's recent visit to the United Kingdom, which is estimated to have generated business deals worth an eventual 40 billion pounds ($60 million; 56 million euros), has empowered Chinese companies with increased self-belief and determination to go global.

Silk Road should take the green route

2015-11-13 08:12

The first wave of initiatives on the Silk Road Economic Belt are mostly construction projects to build enormous networks of road and rail transport lines, energy pipelines and industrial corridors.

Record Singles Day sales hide many lessons

2015-11-13 08:12

Record sales on the so-called Singles Day (Nov 11), a merchants-invented cyber shopping festival for mainly urban young people in China, have been labeled by some critics as 'materialism on steroids' in the world's largest economy of poor people.

Interest rate shackles not ready to fall

2015-11-06 07:38

The Peoples' Bank of China made a somewhat surprising move on Oct 23 by lowering both the interest rate and reserve requirement ratio.

In tour for two, spotlight is on education

2015-11-06 07:38

China and Germany have again shown themselves to be an enlightening example of partnership and collaboration.

Two strategies are made for one another

2015-11-06 07:38

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel has just paid her eighth visit to China in 10 years, setting a record for the number of times a German chancellor has made the trip.

Five-Year Plan 3.0 puts society first

2015-11-06 07:38

The five-year plan is a unique feature of China's development. It is a phenomenon, to quote Hu Angang, a professor with Tsinghua University's School of Public Policy and Management, that has "survived its teacher" (the former Soviet Union) and has apparently helped produce more wealth.

More than ever, all roads lead to Rome

2015-11-06 07:38

This year, China and Italy celebrate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. It was Italian prime minister Pietro Nenni, in 1969, who first mooted the idea of recognizing the People's Republic of China.

A green transformation over six years

2015-11-06 07:38

Six years ago I was covering the unsuccessful United Nations climate summit held in Copenhagen, and I saw first-hand how China's image was tarnished, even though it had been making continual efforts to help achieve a global deal.

More action needed to rid us of the plastic plague

2015-11-06 07:38

Plastic bags. Hard to believe, but 40 years ago they were something of a novelty.

Xi visit a game-changer in Sino-UK ties

2015-10-30 07:32

While President Xi Jinping's recent high-profile visit to the United Kingdom will surely be remembered for a long time, it is the ensuing commercial agreements that will serve as tangible evidence of a dramatic change in Sino-British relations.

Picture says it all: Beer, fish and chips

2015-10-30 07:32

The roar of the engines of the Air China Boeing 747 carrying China's President Xi Jinping home has long faded from the skies over Manchester, leaving Britain and its leaders to contemplate the new dynamic that is the link between the two countries.

Plans for next 5 years can draw on UK visit

2015-10-30 07:32

Having spent both serious and enjoyable moments in Buckingham Palace, No 10 Downing Street, a countryside pub and Manchester City's football ground during his state visit to the United Kingdom, President Xi Jinping sat with other top decision-makers debating the draft of China's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) from Oct 26 to 29.

Renminbi's global march picks up pace

2015-10-30 07:32

A recent milestone in Chinese renminbi internationalization, according to Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, is the launch of China's Cross-Border Interbank Payment System. The new system "will enhance efficiency of the yuan's cross-border settlement and promote its global use", Fan says.

Look past indexes for the big picture

2015-10-30 07:32

Seven percent or not 7 percent? There has already been much debate about China's GDP growth rate in the forthcoming 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20).

A market-oriented way of financial reform

2015-10-30 07:32

It has been more than 20 years since China started reform aimed at liberalizing interest rates. That is one of the most important elements of the nation's economic restructuring reforms, started in 1996 when the central bank freed the Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate.

EU ignores China at its own peril

2015-10-23 08:06

The complex but irreversible integration of the European continent and the renaissance of Chinese civilization arguably constitute the most significant factors of change of our time. The wise articulation of these two processes can be mutually enriching and a source of growth and stability for our global village.

European Edition