

French support for Silk Road initiatives

2015-06-19 06:53

Countries in Western Europe are doing two things right now that can help put global development on a fairer track.

How to best narrow the income gap

2015-06-19 06:53

The recent joint report by UBS and PricewaterhouseCoopers says China has about 200 billionaires, almost one-third the number in the United States, while a report by China Merchants Bank and Bain shows the number of people with assets of more than 10 million yuan ($1.61 million) crossed 1 million at the end of 2014.

When eagle and dragon work together

2015-06-12 06:39

The fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War in 1990 ushered in a huge new wave of globalization.

New bank can join global fight against poverty

2015-06-12 06:39

Over the past 25 years, with almost no notice or acclaim, more than 1 billion people have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty, thanks in large part to governments that promoted economic growth and invested in people.

There is a big thirst for China stories

2015-06-12 06:39

China's economic slowdown has gained a lot of attention in the Western media in the past year or two, and its prospects for long-term growth is something Central and Eastern European countries are eager to learn more about.

Milan expo's legacy should be a lasting one

2015-06-12 06:39

The National Day of China was celebrated at the Milan Expo on June 8, with Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang and Italian Education Minister Stefania Giannini present.

Battling banks' biggest peril: No growth

2015-06-12 06:39

For banks facing continuing market volatility and concerns regarding non-performing loans, risk management plays a double role.

Dire economic predictions prove useful

2015-06-12 06:39

The reason so many forecasts of China's economic collapse have failed to prove anything close to the truth is that, while seeming to be based on at least some facts, they have helped remind Chinese decision makers and managers of the problems they have to avoid.

EU controls on dual-use tech exports too tight

2015-06-12 06:39

Brussels has recently entrusted a think tank with seeking out concrete recommendations on how to develop dual-use technologies to positively affect Europe's economy and competitiveness. I was asked to give some points from a Chinese journalist's perspective.

The Party explains what the Party is about

2015-06-05 06:01

The Communist Party of China just did what it has never done before and it is important to appreciate what happened and why.

Chinese brands command bigger influence

2015-06-05 06:01

It is that time of year again, when the annual BrandZ report on the most valuable global brands is published. The highlights this year are not too dissimilar to those of previous years: The rise of Chinese brands globally and the impressive purchasing power of Chinese consumers.

Time is ripe to build a global eco-culture

2015-06-05 06:01

The Post-2015 Development Agenda released by the United Nations in December 2014 and the UN Millennium Development Goals, both of which have put a greater focus on sustainability, are evidence of a reflection on the industrial civilization and the awakening of people's ecological awareness globally.

Expo pavilions show pain of disaster recovery

2015-06-05 06:01

After the success of the 2010 Shanghai Expo, the city of Milan offers an amazing stage for countries to showcase their architectural design, national strength and development strategies, all under the theme of "How to feed 9 billion people by 2050".

Online alliances that deliver success

2015-05-29 08:21

The UK's very recently privatized mail operator, the Royal Mail, has recently responded to heavy criticism since its privatization with a trail-blazing move to capture the delivery market across the Chinese mainland.

Loosening marks progress with reform

2015-05-29 08:21

One of the most arduous tasks in China's economic reforms is to phase out its capital account controls as the country has relied on these curbs to manage and regulate its financial market for decades.

China must watch out for capital outflows

2015-05-29 08:21

Since last year, developed countries and emerging market economies have had to face a reversal of the economic climate that followed the worldwide financial crisis.

Policy easing aimed at bolstering demand

2015-05-29 08:21

China's economic growth in the first quarter of 2015 was 7 percent year-on-year, the slowest since 2009, while investment grew only 2.8 percent, becoming the main drag on the economy.

Global tests in path of the Chinese Dream

2015-05-29 08:21

In modern times, national security has been viewed by policymakers throughout the world as a calculus of military relationships and the relative balance of military power.

Helping the aged also helps the economy

2015-05-29 08:21

The deadly fire in a nursing home on May 25 in Central China's Henan province, which killed 38 people, is an example of one entrenched imbalance in this country's economy.

Western politics distorts image of China

2015-05-29 08:21

During a recent trip to Minsk, I managed to talk with Jaroslav Romanchuk, a former presidential candidate and economist who is a household name in Belarus.

European Edition