

People in Beijing, London share same concerns

2016-04-22 07:10

Housing, traffic, the weather, education, pollution - China's burgeoning middle class is as concerned by these topics as their counterparts in any capital city you care to name.

China should seek AU observer status

2016-04-22 07:10

China has in the recent past demonstrated an unprecedented interest in working with the African Union, especially in maintaining peace and stability in the continent.

Chinese must adapt to UK 'study shock'

2016-04-15 08:53

With thousands of Chinese students planning to study at foreign universities this year, the one big question is: are they sufficiently prepared? The answer is probably not.

Back to normal, but still much to do

2016-04-15 08:53

When I got out of a taxi and rolled my suitcase into Brussels-South railway station to get a train to London on April 7, two heavily armed soldiers patrolling the concourse looked me up and down, their hands resting on guns.

Beijing, so big it simply takes your breath away

2016-04-15 08:53

Well, here I am. You can read all the books, newspaper articles or travel advice in the world, but nothing really prepares you for the sheer size of Beijing.

Chinese football finally taking shape

2016-04-15 08:53

The recent rejuvenation of the Chinese Super League is an exciting development. With the support of the central government and a bold development plan backed by serious private investment, Chinese football may finally be on the right track after several false starts.

Need for a well-managed slowdown

2016-04-15 08:53

A host of latest data (from trade to investment) show that the Chinese economy is stabilizing, contrary to the gloomy, if not sensational, conclusions of various distant observers at the beginning of the year.

Chinese cities climbing up global cost ladder

2016-04-15 08:53

When it comes to how much we spend on groceries, few of us are given options. We don't fly off to a city in a distant country to do our food shopping more economically. Yet we are aware that there are significant variations in prices of everyday goods across different locations, even within the same country.

'Asymmetric harmony' good for Sino-US ties

2016-04-08 08:20

Chinese President Xi Jinping has met again with US President Barack Obama, and pundits the world over were eager to offer suggestions and proposals to improve Sino-US relations.

Taking a page from Europe's book

2016-04-08 08:20

After holding intensive political meetings, engaging in lively exchanges with young football and ice hockey players, and signing cooperation documents during his visit to the Czech Republic from March 28 to 30, President Xi Jinping and his Czech counterpart Milos Zeman visited the 850-year-old Strahov Library in Prague.

Senegal, surprises and a feast for the senses

2016-04-08 08:20

I don't think I knew what to expect.

Digital trends: What we'll see in 2016

2016-04-08 08:20

I recently shifted countries from Finland to China, and one of the most remarkable but unexpected consequences has been the realization that I may actually be living in the future.

Onus is on leaders to find new paths

2016-04-08 08:20

Experienced China watchers have been right in saying that, since the turn of the year, the country won't see a business bust any time soon.

Reduce packaging, make deliveries greener

2016-04-08 08:20

The rapid growth of online shopping and express delivery services has given rise to huge amounts of rubbish in China, says a recent cankaoxiaoxi.com report. Last year alone, 16.95 billion meters of adhesive tape and 9.9 billion boxes were used to deliver the purchases of online shoppers.

Chinese films have a role for brands

2016-04-01 08:29

The Chinese film industry has arrived and taken its rightful place on the world stage - and is set to stay.This has far-reaching consequences for Chinese consumption across numerous industries.

Nuclear security always a priority for Beijing

2016-04-01 08:29

Many state leaders are scheduled to attend at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on March 31 and April 1 to discuss international nuclear security issues.

Real partnership with EU just started unfolding

2016-04-01 08:29

Two years ago, Xi Jinping paid his first visit to Europe as China's president. Apart from visiting four Western European countries and the European Union headquarters in Brussels, Xi also attended the Nuclear Security Summit at The Hague in the Netherlands.

To see the light, we need society's capital

2016-04-01 08:29

It looks like 2016 will be a boring year for journalists reporting on China business. As there won't be a hard crash, what can they say about the world's second-largest economy in transition?

Time to go green and drive economic growth

2016-04-01 08:29

The 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) has for the first time made "green" development, along with innovation, openness and sharing, part of China's growth philosophy, making it a new driver of economic development.

Consumption leads economic revival

2016-04-01 08:29

Which country will lead new economic development? The answer is China, because it has the largest population, and is set to become the world's largest economy, largest trader, largest buyer and the largest consumer market.

European Edition