

How to get them back to the banquet

2012-03-02 08:49

As an auditor in China since 1999 whose firm serves as the independent auditor for over 25 Chinese companies and as an independent director of two Chinese companies, I have spent hundreds of hours on early morning conference calls, logged hundreds of thousands of miles on trans-polar flights, visited perhaps 100 Chinese cities and sat through hundreds of board meetings. Along the way, I have learned a lot about the differences between the US and Chinese business culture and how each reacts to challenging business situations.

Multinationals need to take stock

2012-02-24 10:43

Many of those doing business in china need to see the bigger picture and partner host country.

For everyone's good, let Greece go broke

2012-02-24 10:40

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Shanghai's hub dream still distant

2012-02-24 08:26

The National Development and Reform Commission recently put forward detailed plans for Shanghai to develop over the next few years as it aims to become a global financial center by 2020.

Three letters that could spell success for China: OIC

2012-02-24 08:26

The methods by which China might maintain its spectacular economic rise are inevitably a source of intense debate, not least amid the financial turmoil that appears to be strengthening the inexorable shift from West to East.

China's retail revolution benefits all

2012-02-17 11:03

China has a long history of revolutions. The economic transformation over the past 30 years is certainly revolutionary.

What Europe can teach about entrepreneurship

2012-02-17 11:00

Economists and management experts may have divergent views on entrepreneurship, but many agree that it is the major driver of economic growth and the main source of new employment.

Germany the link between China, Europe

2012-02-17 10:57

China's diplomatic relations with Europe have been stalled between its bilateral relations with European Union member states and its relations with the EU itself.

An idea that will not fly

2012-02-17 08:48

From this year, the European Union's Emission Trading System (ETS) will be applied to the aviation industry, notwithstanding growing international dissent over the move.

Innovation in China: The best and worst of times

2012-02-17 08:48

'It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." The opening line of English novelist Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities is perhaps an apt description of the status of innovation in China today. In terms of political stability and volume of research funding, few would argue that China is currently in the throes of "the best of times", free from the upheavals and setbacks that checkered the first 30 years of the modern People's Republic of China.

Finance giants at home look overseas

2012-02-10 10:45

China's banks are coming. They are big, powerful and they are expanding globally. Today the two biggest banks in the world by market capitalization are Chinese, and Chinese institutions occupy four of the top 10 positions in the global rankings.

Banks climb up the branding ladder

2012-02-10 10:42

The Brand Finance Banking 500 survey, which quantifies the brand value of banks around the world, has recently been published.

Beware of the hollow ring that may be a death knell

2012-02-10 09:36

Excessive growth in finance, real estate sectors puts key industries at risk

A Dragon Year to change the world?

2012-02-10 09:36

In the Chinese calendar, the lunar year which started on Jan 23, 2012 is a Dragon Year. In China, the dragon stands for power, superiority and success. But 2012 looks like being a year of difficulty and change. The three big motors of the world economy - Europe, the US and China - all have their own particular challenges to face and overcome. In today's globalized world, all are interlinked. The successful outcome of one depends on the others. Do China's roles as a potential source of finance for troubled Europe, and as a global engine of economic growth mean that, in 2012, the Chinese dragon will move to the center of the world economy?

Italy's boot ready to kick the crisis back

2012-01-20 10:29

As Italians emerge from the current holiday season they know that 2012 will be a trying year - one that will possibly define the future of the country beyond the current generation.

Davos is more than an alpine gabfest

2012-01-20 10:27

It's time for Davos again. The conferences have become a barometer of how the world feels about itself at the end of January each year.

China's new role in the making of Europe

2012-01-20 10:24

The redistribution of global power is altering the relations between the great powers and prompting them to reconsider their diplomatic priorities.

Universal healthcare is within reach

2012-01-13 08:39

Nearly three years ago China's State Council unveiled its plan to extend healthcare to every Chinese citizen by 2020. The ambitious plan was launched at a time when universal health coverage was building momentum globally. In June 2009 US President Barack Obama outlined his plan for a universal healthcare system in the US, vowing to "give every American quality healthcare". Indeed, most emerging economies have either officially implemented or unveiled blueprints toward universal healthcare. India, for example, also aims to have universal care by 2020.

The fears that are driving the flight of the rich

2012-01-13 10:44

More than half of Chinese millionaires are thinking about leaving the country, and 14 percent have applied or are in the process of applying for emigration.

Bond faith comes with warnings

2012-01-13 10:39

China should make more reforms on reserves, trade and currency to promote the yuan globally.

European Edition