

Past actions show need for markets shakeup

2015-07-17 09:02

What is done cannot be undone.

From Russia, with peace, progress and purpose

2015-07-17 09:02

It is said that Russians love the number seven just like the lucky number eight that many Chinese are fond of.

China playing central role in free trade

2015-07-10 07:25

China is a latecomer in terms of reaching free trade agreements with other economies. But it has sped up in recent years with the signing of a few landmark FTAs with countries and regions including Switzerland, South Korea and Australia.

Market disaster provides ultimate test

2015-07-10 07:25

The roller coaster that the Chinese stock market has ridden in the last couple of weeks has been widely reported, including the evaporation of market value equivalent to 10 times the Greek GDP.

Will Greece ever seize its China opportunities?

2015-07-10 07:25

The "no" result in the Greek referendum on the terms of an international bailout on July 5 brings a Greek exit from the euro a step closer, whether Alexis Tsipras, the youngest prime minister in Greek history since 1865, wants it or not.

AIIB reflects China's constructive role

2015-07-10 07:25

The finance ministers or authorized representatives of 50 founding members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank signed the AIIB Agreement on June 29, and representatives of other founding members can do so before the end of 2015.

Challenges abound before meeting climate goals

2015-07-10 07:25

On June 30, the Chinese government issued its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, announcing its actions to fight against and adapt to climate change in the post-2020 period.

No pain, only gain for the West

2015-07-03 07:19

A few days ago, the official launch of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank took place in Beijing with 57 founding member states, including four members of the G8: the UK, France, Germany and Italy.

Greek lesson for all debtors, creditors

2015-07-03 07:19

The failure to save Greece from becoming the first advanced economy to default on an IMF loan lays bare not only the extreme difficulties for the country and its creditors to find a way out but also the looming menace of widespread overleveraging to the fragile global recovery.

'Sponge city' can soak up water problems

2015-07-03 07:19

Water as a resource is irreplaceable. Yet heavy rainfall can become a disaster even in modern cities if rainwater is not drained out in time. This was recently evident in Shanghai, Nanjing and some other cities, especially in southern China, where streets looked more like the canals of Venice.

Big Pharma looks to long term in China

2015-07-03 07:19

Despite China's ambitions to promote its pharmaceutical sector, it is likely to continue to depend on significant contributions from foreign companies for some time.

Here's what to look out for

2015-07-03 07:19

Perhaps surprisingly, China's economy has persisted until the middle of 2015, despite all the forecasts of its collapse at the beginning of the year.

EU should fulfill role of true strategic partner

2015-07-03 07:19

Three days before Premier Li Keqiang and his European counterparts issued their communiqu after his one-day visit to the European Union headquarters on Monday, a source on the European side let me see a draft of the planned release.

Time to lay foundation for future

2015-06-26 06:38

The year 2015 marks the 40th anniversary of EU-China diplomatic relations - a milestone in our cooperative relationship thanks to which the EU and China now enjoy one of the world's biggest trade relations.

EU, China must turn words into deeds

2015-06-26 06:38

The partnership between China and the European Union has just reached 40 years. Our relations have advanced considerably since their tame beginnings into a dialogue that is one of the most frequent, extensive and diverse of the EU's 10 strategic partnerships.

A transformational trip in Eternal City

2015-06-26 06:38

The painting, the calligraphy and the poetry of Fan Zeng will be on display in a major exhibition, Symphony of Civilizations, opening in Rome on June 30 under the patronage of the Italian President Sergio Mattarella.

Time for real change, not to shortchange

2015-06-26 06:38

After an emergency euro summit on the Greek crisis on June 22, and European Union leaders meeting on the problem of migration on June 25-26, Brussels was to host a postponed summit with Beijing on June 29.

Greek doors are open to investment

2015-06-26 06:38

It is possible that the Greek government and Greece's membership in the eurozone and European Union have been saved by the bell. Once again, at "five to midnight", some sort of lifeline has been proposed and the Greek debt mountain has not, as yet, come crashing down.

Should China intervene in Greek tragedy?

2015-06-26 06:38

China's westward gaze, toward Central Asia and beyond, perceives Greece as a key link in its ambitions to join China with Europe by reviving the Silk Road.

Let the spirit of innovation flourish

2015-06-19 06:53

Against a background of slowing economic growth, China's new 10-year plan to upgrade its manufacturing sector was issued by the State Council last month.

European Edition