

Quibbling over GDP misses the point

2014-11-21 12:27

At this moment, questions about the Chinese economy seem to boil down to how well it can hold a steady course of GDP growth in 2015. Some economists, mostly with stock market backgrounds, say it had better target 7.5 percent growth, the same as this year, so as to boost people's confidence in China.

West needs to recognize China's green leadership

2014-11-21 12:27

While the world has begun to beat the drum on reaching a new decisive deal in Paris at the end of next year to curb carbon emissions between 2020 and 2030, there is a lot to suggest that the European Union and the United States have also started to wrestle for global leadership in climate governance.

Ball is in Europe's court now

2014-11-14 10:41

APEC meet in Beijing created major opportunities for EU business community to invest

Big data can solve big problems

2014-11-14 10:41

The common problems that China and the United States confront together are larger and more dangerous than the divisive issues that threaten relations between the world's two largest economies. Consider global warming, transnational epidemics, energy resources and inefficiencies, environmental degradation, urbanization, healthcare, terrorism, organized crime - these are real problems that require focus and sophistication.

The need for a stable yuan

2014-11-14 10:41

With the use of China's currency spreading globally, the yuan should hold its ground

The year for Europe

2014-11-14 10:41

New EU team must quickly engage with Beijing as China shifts its economic and political focus

Chinese problems demand Chinese solutions

2014-11-14 10:41

But foreign banks should be allowed to operate in the country

Stem the slide before reforms take shape

2014-11-14 10:41

While a slowdown in China's economy can shed wasteful industrial capacity, it has to be managed with care

Juncker follows in footsteps of his hero

2014-11-14 10:41

The European union's new president is determined to solve the bloc's ills with ever-closer union

Easing into new financial landscape

2014-11-07 11:05

Chinese policymakers should keep a cool head and focus on reforms with the end of the US' qe policies

Banking on capital to go global

2014-11-07 11:05

Chinese investors and firms must be spurred to explore more lucrative markets abroad

Hosts can set the tone at key summits

2014-11-07 10:41

China and Australia can enhance their leadership roles and their relationship, especially in Africa

Instructive tale of the great piano move

2014-11-07 11:05

Unlocking demand the key to growth and economic inclusion for more of nation's hardworking people

EU needs change of approach to be green leader

2014-11-07 11:05

Brussels is calling its climate change plans the most ambitious anywhere, but a lot more can be done

Asian bank will not just be China's domain

2014-10-31 09:46

Giving special recognition to ASEAN and floating public bonds would signal nation's intention to help region

Government is happy to be a spectator

2014-10-31 09:16

Inaction of policymakers delivers a strong message: Let the market play out

Living within one's means no longer a lifestyle choice

2014-10-31 09:16

An expected reduction in the growth target to 7 percent next year will cut government revenue

Resisting reform is only human

2014-10-31 09:16

Change is hard to accept, but if China is to continue growing, that attitude must change

EU must grab development opportunity

2014-10-31 09:46

With China-led bank looking for private startup capital, path opens up for European investors

Benefits of a two-track mindset

2014-10-31 09:46

An idea considered in the 1960s is a better determinant of China's growth than all the navel gazing over GDP

European Edition