

Banks face up to China's fintech boom

2016-05-06 06:56

Financial technology, or fintech, is getting very hot in Asia, thanks to China's leadership role.

Bottom-up response is energetic

2016-05-06 06:56

In recent weeks, China's Belt and Road Initiative - the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road - has gotten several bottom-up but energetic responses from Europe.

The great fail: I didn't climb the Great Wall

2016-05-06 06:56

By the time you read this, the column will have packed its bags and taken up a week's residence in Ho Chi Minh City, the last stage on my eventual return to London, where authoritative sources tell me it has been snowing, for heaven's sake.

New indexes show economic health

2016-05-06 06:56

As the government keeps giving out not quite consistent data about an economy of nearly 1.4 billion people, and distant observers air sometimes sharply contrasting opinions on what "real problems" are lurking behind the government data, how can a resident businessperson form his or her own view about the real situation?

Steady GDP growth calms global concerns

2016-05-06 06:56

China's 6.7 percent growth in the first quarter, announced by the National Bureau of Statistics on April 15, steadied nerves about the performance of its economy.

China has key role in world economy

2016-05-06 06:56

China has rolled out its 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) at a time when there is growing uncertainty about the direction of the global economy. China is at the center of world economic anxiety.

Difficulties involved in reviving the 'rust belt'

2016-05-06 06:56

A recent policy document from China's State Council says "old industrial bases", meaning Northeast China, will make significant progress in key reform areas by 2020 and will be revived by 2030.

Profits essential when cash burns out

2016-05-06 06:56

In just decades China has gone from copying foreign commercial internet models, even cumbersome ones, to building economic web models that foreign countries are imitating.

Stop meddling in the South China Sea

2016-05-06 06:56

The issue of the South China Sea is being ramped up by those in the United States and the United Kingdom who accuse China of causing tension in the region. They proclaim the principle of free navigation and overflight, but in reality their prejudice and partiality will only increase tension.

SOEs must be careful with EU filings

2016-04-29 08:25

Chinese state-owned enterprises will be seeing a lot more of the European Commission in the future.

Not too early for Sino-EU free trade talks

2016-04-29 08:25

The Centre for European Policy Studies, the European Union's leading think tank, released a report recently outlining reasons why Beijing and Brussels should launch free trade agreement talks.

Navigating China's capital surprisingly easy

2016-04-29 08:25

Not quite sure what my preconceptions were, but one impression has been shattered - favorably, I might add.

Beijing's plan shows path to the future

2016-04-29 08:25

Different parts of China's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) have been discussed intensively in recent months. Now, after the National People's Congress has approved the plan, it is time to put the full final document in a global context.

Chinese economy is not in debtors' prison

2016-04-29 08:25

All the concerns about China's economy boil down to one question. That is how much debt, or indebtedness, it can manage, now that, according to a recent Bloomberg report, the economy's overall indebtedness was 246.8 percent of its GDP in 2015, higher than 2008 by 80 percentage points.

A game plan for Chinese football at last

2016-04-29 08:25

While China continues to struggle to qualify for the 2018 World Cup, it has set an ambitious goal to become a dominant football nation in Asia by 2030 and a global power by 2050.

Spread science education to quash rumors

2016-04-29 08:25

The boiler you use is made of manganese steel that can make you stupid.

A tale of how neighboring cities differ

2016-04-22 07:10

As China's economic transition continues, foreign investors need to take a much more considered, long-term perspective.

Second child about couples' aspirations

2016-04-22 07:10

A rather remarkable turnaround has occurred in China. For a country famous for having the most comprehensive set of policies designed to limit births, it is now introducing policies to support parents who have a second child - from tax relief to possibly extending maternity leave and free education.

Getting to the heart of 'left-behind' children

2016-04-22 07:10

The ministries of civil affairs, education and public security are to survey the general situation of "left-behind" children in China's rural areas. Since the start of reform and opening-up in the late 1970s, many rural residents have left home to work in cities, leaving their children in the care of grandparents or to fend for themselves.

China again takes lead with climate pact

2016-04-22 07:10

Bringing global stakeholders together at a negotiation table to discuss how to cope with climate change is similar to a pilgrimage.

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