

China pulls itself to the top

2015-04-03 07:28

The Global Investment Trends Monitor, released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development on Jan 29, shows that four of the world's top five recipients of foreign direct investment are developing economies.

A partnership for better lives

2015-04-03 07:28

This year we proudly celebrate the 20th anniversary of China-OECD relations. Over these past 20 years, we have not only forged a mutually beneficial partnership that is improving people's lives in China and around the world, we are also creating the building blocks for more resilient, inclusive and green economies for future generations.

Out with stir fry, in with real business nous

2015-04-03 07:28

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, "No man ever steps in the same river twice". Nor do investors find themselves in the same stock market rally twice.

A loose grasp of a changing world

2015-04-03 07:28

Following the depreciation of the euro, one euro now equals about 6.8 yuan (it fetched 8.5 yuan this time last year) and it is likely to lose more value in the near future.

For the EU, the endgame is nigh

2015-03-27 07:29

As China has grown, its economic and geopolitical perspective has become global. Today, Europe is vitally important to China.

Door opens wider for foreign firms

2015-03-27 07:29

On March 13, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce jointly released a new version of the Catalog for the Guidance of Industries for Foreign Investment, which governs restrictions on investment from abroad.

The perpetrators of China's financial risks

2015-03-27 07:29

Among the many aspects that China's new normal model of economic growth hopes to address, increased financial risk is undoubtedly one of them. It could start by working to resolve the mountain of bad loans in the banking sector.

Insurance firms must plug in to new age

2015-03-27 07:29

In the digital era Chinese people are always on. This has created a new competitive landscape, raising questions about the sustainability of traditional business models and raising consumers' negotiating power and expectations.

As you dial, a new force is building

2015-03-27 07:29

One reason why so many people are wary about where China is heading today is that many things its leaders have planned and promised have failed to materialize - at least not so far.

EU cannot afford to miss out on bank

2015-03-27 07:29

Brussels is remaining tight-lipped ahead of the looming March 31 deadline for countries to apply for founding membership of the China-proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Teaming up with a giant is the way to go

2015-03-20 07:36

Despite the continued downturn in the Chinese economy, there appears no let-up in the Chinese public's insatiable appetite for branded products and services. Such an appetite appears to stretch right across the product spectrum.

To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war

2015-03-20 07:36

I was delighted to share with you my observations on issues relating to China's foreign policy. I do not want to spend too much time on the title of Professor Jonathan Holslag's new book: China's Coming War with Asia, since there's nothing new in this point of view.

Riding a wave of investments

2015-03-20 07:36

China recently concluded its two sessions that this year focused on the nation's so-called new normal model of economic growth, set a 2015 GDP growth target that is lower than last year's (to 7 percent from 7.5) and laid out specific measures and policies for deepening reforms amid a slowdown.

The ideal drivers of progress

2015-03-20 07:36

What people saw from the National People's Congress annual session in Beijing in the first couple of weeks of March was clearly a picture of transition, as a perfect reflection of China's transitional economy.

Egypt's capital idea is bold and innovative

2015-03-20 07:36

Egypt, determined to rise from the aftermath of 2010's "Arab Spring", has surprised the world by announcing plans for another capital, along the corridor of Cairo to the Suez Canal, as a way of reviving people's aspirations and pride.

Investment holds the key to stable growth

2015-03-13 08:08

One of the most important signals sent out at the two sessions, the annual meeting that brings together China's national legislators and political advisers, is that the judgment of top policymakers toward the economic trend has changed.

New environment chief impresses

2015-03-13 08:08

Being in the minister's job for exactly just one week, the new head of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, Chen Jining, showed that his overseas training and global perspectives will play a role in the country's fight against pollution at his first appearance during the National People's Congress press conference on March 8.

A silver lining in fight against smog

2015-03-13 08:08

Smog is a hot topic at the two sessions with Premier Li Keqiang vowing to enforce environmental regulations in the Government Work Report.

The gaping hole in Middle East ties

2015-03-13 08:08

The world has major known strategic regions, such as North America, Europe, the Middle East and China.

New normal means business as normal

2015-03-13 08:08

Recently a few overseas China watchers have predicted, once again, China's imminent collapse. And again, one can only predict there will be something when there isn't.

European Edition