

Private banks to ignite healthy rivalry

2014-08-01 09:21

Policymakers get the ball rolling on a key reform that will improve service and efficiency in banking

Top team removes lingering doubts

2014-08-01 09:21

Swift, decisive action by Xi-Li to root out corruption would certainly win investor approval

Buying properties abroad a two-edged sword

2014-08-01 09:21

While such purchases may seem cheap and easy, unfamiliar rules and markets may pose risks

Bracing for the next big financial crisis

2014-08-01 09:21

China would play an even greater role should the global economy crash again

The image battle of the Chinese sexes

2014-08-01 09:21

Many believe men lag women in demeanor and grooming, but is it a fair view?

Surely time to create the country's own Harvard

2014-08-01 09:21

Stop the brain drain, invest those donations at home, as China deserves elite status

Time for BRICS to make things happen

2014-07-25 09:21

Creation of new organization will benefit other developing nations and Shanghai's global image

China building bridge over Pacific waters

2014-07-25 09:21

Beijing values geopolitical importance of Latin America and wants all-round cooperation with region

Hurdles on path to internationalization

2014-07-25 08:44

Yuan use must be extended to entire industry chain to avoid similar issues as yen

Creating a truly global yuan market

2014-07-25 08:44

China needs to accelerate the expansion of offshore clearing centers

Japan faces demographic timebomb

2014-07-25 08:44

Bizarre suggestions by Japanese politician cause uproar but reflect urgency of population crisis

Entrepreneurship is the missing ingredient

2014-07-25 08:44

Economic transition needs more than government policies

Cyber cold war likely to continue

2014-07-25 08:44

Most countries engage in a degree of corporate spying; however, boundaries should be put in place

News as fast food not a healthy diet

2014-07-25 08:44

Robot-generated content is all very well if data-driven, but there's still no accounting for style

Why China will hit its growth targets

2014-07-18 08:26

China's economic growth recovered slightly in the second quarter to reach 7.5 percent, a strong indication that the world's second-largest economy has been stabilizing after it dipped to a multi-year low of 7.4 percent in the first quarter.

Merger of mindsets needed for success

2014-07-18 08:26

As chief representative for Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, China's world-class business school established by Li Ka-shing, I am fortunate to see the Sino-European relationship through the eyes of two client groups: Chinese and European senior executives.

Reform needs same urgency as growth

2014-07-18 08:26

No one should be mistaken about the strengths and weaknesses of China's economy, based on its growth records of the first half of 2014.

Battle of the second languages

2014-07-18 08:26

After a few years of studying Mandarin in Melbourne, Australia, I was finally aboard a flight to Beijing.

Students' foreign travel should be for study

2014-07-18 08:26

Nowadays, to realize a meaningful summer vacation, many Chinese parents choose to send their children to attend various kinds of summer camp overseas.

Chinese cuisine packs a soft power punch

2014-07-18 08:26

Mention China and most Westerners will think about its food. This is not surprising given the popularity of Chinese cuisine in the West, where some countries have more restaurants serving Chinese dishes than the traditional local fair.

European Edition