

Alibaba opened the gate of e-commerce

2014-05-16 07:50

Alibaba is a curious phenomenon. The Chinese e-commerce market-maker has recently announced plans to list its shares on the US stock markets, through a massive initial public offering, making it the largest tech IPO ever. Following that, in terms of market capitalization, it would perhaps find its place between Facebook and Walmart, as some analysts predict.

Bosideng rebranding, Chinese dream in action

2014-05-16 07:50

Bosideng International Holdings Ltd, one of China's leading fashion retailers, once again finds itself in the news and once again with less than positive media coverage.

Money will talk, sooner than later

2014-05-09 08:07

Evidence is emerging that international finance will take over from trade as the principal projector of China's global influence.

EU needs fresh approach in Africa

2014-05-09 08:07

The decision of Premier Li Keqiang to begin his African visit with a visit to the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa symbolizes China's growing support for the continental organization.

Internet finance waiting to be regulated

2014-05-09 08:07

Yu'ebao is now the hottest online piggy bank in China. It is essentially an online money market fund at Alibaba managed by Tianhong Asset Management Corporation that offers daily settlement of interest at up to 6.76 percent annualized, 27 times higher than that of bank accounts.

Local leaders as board of directors

2014-05-09 08:07

Sometimes, the things that most people talk about, though important, end up being irrelevant in a few years. The current discussions in media circles about Shanghai's pilot Free Trade Zone appear headed in this direction, much like the pilot financial reforms in Wenzhou, or the new investment zones elsewhere in China.

Quality of growth matters as much as quantity

2014-05-09 08:07

If calculated according to purchasing power parity, China is poised to overtake the United States as the world's largest economy in the course of this fiscal year, six years earlier than previously estimated, the World Bank's International Comparison Program said last week.

Small ups and downs expected

2014-05-02 07:49

The yuan's exchange rate has witnessed a cumulative 3 percent depreciation in recent months, due to the overlapping influence of the quantitative easing withdrawal by the US Federal Reserve, China's ongoing economic structural adjustment and its economic deceleration.

'Ugly' Chinese tourists will come of age

2014-05-02 07:49

The May Day holiday will see many Chinese mainland residents, bitten by the travel bug, spending time away from home. While most of them will travel within the mainland, a large number will head overseas. We can thus expect yet another slew of micro-blogging reports on Chinese tourists behaving badly outside the mainland.

Mother Nature's messenger

2014-05-02 07:49

In 1941, the critical year of World War II, Madame Chiang Kai-shek (Soong May-Ling) gave an unusual gift to the Americans in appreciation of the help they gave China. It was the first time that a modern Chinese government had delivered such a gift, and China won a staunch ally.

The revival of Chinese tea

2014-05-02 07:49

Ubiquitous yet enveloped by a flavor of gentle mystery, tea is one of China's most extraordinary gifts to mankind. Its trade determined the fate of some of the earliest multinational companies such as the East India Company. It is a part, with the 1773 Boston Tea Party or the 19th century Sino-British wars, of the world's political history.

Diversity can foster better growth

2014-05-02 07:49

Geographically, China is large. But historically and economically, it used to be small. Ever since the 1100s, the country has been heavily dependent on business activity in one or several small areas for maintaining an empire-ish government.

Yes, there is life outside economic comfort zone

2014-05-02 07:49

China's transition from a centrally planned economy to a market one has been neither easy nor linear. The government has tried to liberalize some sectors and privatize some industries, but certainly not all.

Growth still within reasonable range

2014-04-25 07:29

Anyone "looking for a crisis" will interpret China's lackluster economic figures for the first quarter, such as its 7.4 percent growth in GDP, decline in exports and a slump in the producer price index, as signs of the further worsening of its economic conditions and an excuse for a new round of stimulus measures.

Tax reform crucial for promoting innovation

2014-04-25 07:29

More preferential tax treatments should be granted to equity-based compensation plans of high-tech companies. This is a crucial step for promoting technology innovations in China.

Reform of government must come first

2014-04-25 07:29

Indians are argumentative, so people say. Chinese are not, it seems. But right now in China there is a rather serious and healthy debate that may have to do with all investors' future interests - a debate about mixed ownership.

Royal visit holds all the wonders of time travel

2014-04-25 07:29

As Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and Prince Consort Henrik tour China over the next few days they will barely recognize a country that the queen last set foot in 35 years ago.

Short-term pain but long-term gain

2014-04-18 07:53

The Chinese economy grew 7.4 percent in the first quarter of the year, a new low.

The truth behind trade figures

2014-04-18 07:53

China's foreign trade did not do well in the first quarter of this year, at least according to the raw statistics.

Power shift will fuel IMF restructuring

2014-04-18 07:53

As China has started to fulfill its economic potential of the past 20 years, it has become one of the key global economic players. Its first big global contribution occurred as an exporter of manufactured products to developed countries.

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