

Private sector now pushing Chinese investment

2016-01-15 07:42

It is no accident that the trend of Chinese investment in the United Kingdom is increasingly being led by the private sector.

Grand projects step out of shadows as economic threat

2016-01-15 07:42

Changes are usually fast in China. So more often than not, while outside columnists are discussing one set of issues, the country has already moved on to experience a different set. People familiar with the country's economic reform have seen this since the 1980s.

Green plans need coal mine closures

2016-01-15 07:42

Wearing a safety helmet and dressed as a coal miner, Premier Li Keqiang spent two hours in a coal mine 7,000 meters below the ground with workers during his first inspection tour of 2016 in North China's Shanxi province, which boasts of a large coal reserve but faces economic problems because of overcapacity.

EU stuck in the middle as China chases MES

2016-01-15 07:42

As a global society, we're obsessed by initials, but MES, the latest set, hides a serious dispute between East and West that's threatening to turn the old order upside down.

SOE reform gathering pace

2016-01-08 07:54

It is often said that if the world looks at Shanghai to see China, China looks at Shenzhen to see the world. The saying certainly holds true when applied to the long-promised reform of China's state-owned enterprises, which is set to accelerate in 2016.

EU can gain by granting market economy status

2016-01-08 07:54

Over the last four decades, China has successfully transformed itself from a planned economy into an open economy where almost all commodities are priced by market forces. More than 80 countries have recognized China's strenuous efforts in this regard by granting it market economy status.

Need for second aircraft carrier is real

2016-01-08 07:54

Editor's note: The Ministry of Defense has confirmed that China is building a second aircraft carrier. Zhang Junshe, a researcher at the PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute, shares his views on the development with China Daily's Zhang Zhouxiang:

China joins exclusive carrier club as its navy grows

2016-01-08 07:54

I think my fascination with all things naval, and specifically aircraft carriers, began with my dad. He left school at the age of 14 and became a Boy Seaman at HMS Ganges, a training establishment in eastern England for junior Royal Navy Ratings.

Reforms will raise the quality of trade

2016-01-08 07:54

China is set for 2015 to be its worst annual performance in trade since the global financial crisis 2009. Instead of trying to drive a recovery in 2016, policymakers would be better off focusing on structural reform, which could generate higher quality trade for years to come.

Old phrase points to new thinking

2016-01-08 07:54

Predicting China's performance in 2016 has become easy.

Milestone year for China's diplomacy

2016-01-08 07:54

China's major diplomatic events in 2015, which started with the first ministerial meeting of the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States in January and ended with the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in December, were milestones in its efforts to shoulder more international responsibilities as the world's second-largest economy and largest developing country.

Digital disruptors key to lower carbon

2015-12-18 09:19

Among those holding their breath before the United Nations Climate Change Conference reached an agreement in Paris on Dec 12 to limit carbon emissions were corporate leaders anxious to understand the implications for their businesses in the near future.

Post-Paris: Time to get back to reality

2015-12-18 09:19

The recent Paris climate change conference was a landmark success in global governance.

Chinese NGOs warm to climate change issue

2015-12-18 09:19

China's non-governmental organizations have been closely involved in global climate governance for years.

Unofficial 'barriers' must be removed

2015-12-18 09:19

It will take some time for the world to fully digest the significance of the interest rate hike in the United States, the first since 2006.

EU problems are getting bad to worse

2015-12-18 09:19

There is an old saying that goes: when you are in a hole, stop digging.

Brands should tap into Chinese heritage

2015-12-18 09:19

With the Christmas season now in full swing across Europe and many other parts of the world, it is no surprise to see the usual luxury fashion brands competing through emotive and expensive television advertisements.

China's tough options on climate change

2015-12-11 08:18

Representatives of more than 195 governments have been in Paris negotiating a new universal climate change agreement to keep the average rise in global temperatures below 2 C. It should come as no surprise that China, as the world's largest carbon emitter, has been under the spotlight in the run-up to this conference.

Rich countries should honor climate vows

2015-12-11 08:18

The highly anticipated climate talks in Paris are inching their way toward an "ambitious" agreement on the global carbon budget from 2020 onward. A deal is expected to be clinched on Dec 11, after two weeks of bargaining mainly between the world's poorest countries and the richest.

Londoners feel empathy with Beijing over smog

2015-12-11 08:18

Londoners looking at pictures of masked Beijing residents groping their way through foul-colored smog so thick you can't see across Tian'amen Square will feel both sympathy and a sense of familiar for the climatic conditions - 63 years ago upwards of 6,000 people died when a combination of factors triggered what locals here call a peasouper.

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