

Europe ill-prepared for China's rise

2012-04-06 08:44

The world has never witnessed anything like China's rise before. The nearest parallel was that of the United States between 1870 and 1914. But America's growth rate during this period was much lower and its population was much smaller. With a double digit growth rate and a population of 1.3 billion, China is in a different league. From 1978 until around 2000, the impact of China's rise was largely a domestic phenomenon, though by the 1990s it increasingly began to be felt in East Asia. With China's economy still only one-20th the size of America's in 1980, this is hardly surprising.

China's port operators face the daunting challenge of change

2012-03-30 11:09

It has been a good decade for Chinese ports. Having focused on capacity expansion, productivity improvement and investment in equipment, they now account for five of the world's top 10 container ports by volume, with Shanghai recently taking Singapore's top spot.

Crisis bolsters case for a federal Europe

2012-03-30 11:06

Chinese investors would be among the many winners of a closer union.

Some answers on Chinese overseas direct investment

2012-03-30 11:04

Questions are being asked about what some see as a planned offensive.

A business lesson from the dairy factory

2012-03-30 09:08

The French food products company Danone recently closed its Shanghai plant, one of its two yogurt factories in China. It represented another failure for the company in China after its failed attempt to build joint ventures with the Chinese dairy and soft drink manufacturers Mengniu, Bright Dairy and Wahaha.

Green pastures beckon, but beware of the minefields

2012-03-23 10:47

China has become the country with the largest number of investment projects in Germany, the country's Federal Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment says.

United, they stand tall and strong

2012-03-23 10:46

As the brics nations meet in india it is a good time for them to reassess where they go from here.

A warning to would-be retail entrants: adapt or die

2012-03-23 08:46

Foreign retailers need to upgrade their management to stand firm in the Chinese market.

It is time to come out of the shadows

2012-03-23 08:46

The major geopolitical consequence of the credit crisis of 2008 has been to push China out from behind the shadow of the West to stand in the front on its own. The chronic economic weakness of the United States and, more recently, Europe has left a vacuum in global leadership. By virtue of China's size and economic strength, it has to fill at least part of that global power vacuum whether it wants to or not. In my book Is China Ready I ask whether China is in a position yet to take on these large new responsibilities or whether the Western credit crisis came too early for China, by a decade or two. In the Financial Times of London a couple of weeks ago the British financial journalist John Gapper demanded that China stop telling the world it is a poor and developing country, and asked it to face up to its responsibilities as a leader of the new world order.

Italy and stability fund offer best bet

2012-03-16 13:41

The Greek government has recently reached a new agreement with 85.8 percent of the total private investors over Greek sovereign bonds.

Someone needs to start turning off taps on water demand

2012-03-16 13:41

Even though water is a scarce resource in China, most water resources in the country are used to produce basic staple crops.

Finding a name you can be proud of

2012-03-16 08:47

Coining brand names is a perilous undertaking

A lot done, but a lot more yet to do

2012-03-16 08:47

Twenty-two years ago I attended a conference in London on business opportunities in China. It was the first China conference I had been to, and I was interested to see how many business people attended, most from Britain and some from the rest of Europe.

A call to arms for the citizens of Europe

2012-03-09 11:06

The ideals of peace and social inclusion have fallen prey to the capitalists and technocrats.

Tapping into the nation's creativity

2012-03-09 11:04

China is increasingly placing strong emphasis on developing its cultural industries.

The barrier that stops spending

2012-03-09 11:02

Rigid british visa rules prompt chinese tourists to choose paris over london.

Alice and the dragon that wants to fly

2012-03-09 08:37

China's economic success over the past three decades has traditionally been viewed as the result of its ability to produce manufactured goods at low cost. Lately, however, the country has appeared to be catching up fast in scientific and technological innovation.

Chinese firms to take center stage

2012-03-09 08:37

Britain had its turn, then it was the US and Japan. China now waits in the wings

Western academia has place in corporate China

2012-03-02 10:28

The process of globalization has always produced fascinating synergies.

The quiet brilliance of a Chinese business success

2012-03-02 08:49

While much of Europe and the US continue to be shrouded in a pall of economic gloom, China's progression appears largely unaffected. However, China's economic development is changing, with far more attention being given to domestic consumption and less to exports, which should lead to the emergence of world-class Chinese companies and brands over the next few years.

European Edition