

What EU banking stress tests tell Asia

2014-12-12 11:24

The first comprehensive assessment of European banks, published recently, was generally positive, as many expected.

Wanda's savvy acquisitions need name

2014-12-12 11:24

Planning permission has now been granted for one of London's most ambitious and audacious construction projects, the One Nine Elms plan financed to the tune of 400 million pounds ($625.6 million; 508.3 million euros) by the ever-acquisitive Dalian Wanda Group.

Being first is just a number

2014-12-12 11:24

For just a while, the news that China is overtaking the United States to become the world's largest economy caused a stir in the overseas media.

New jobs rising from China's smog

2014-12-12 11:24

At a reception for a climate summit in Paris on Dec 2, a woman from Guangdong province approached me with her name card. Looking at it carefully, I was taken aback by her title: carbon trader.

A historic challenge for China's economy

2014-12-05 11:21

China's economic transformation is at a turning point. There are increasing pressures of an economic slowdown, and China's GDP growth fell to 7.3 percent in the third quarter of this year compared with the same period last year, hitting a new low since the first quarter of 2009.

Nothing wrong with a little healthy risk

2014-12-05 11:21

The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, has begun soliciting public opinion on the establishment of a deposit insurance plan to better protect savers and free up interest rates.

Becoming names in global game

2014-12-05 11:21

What makes a brand global? According to the former head of marketing for Starbucks and Nike, a global brand "can travel worldwide, transcend cultural barriers, speak to multiple consumer segments simultaneously, create economies of scale, and let you operate at the higher end of the positioning spectrum - where you can earn solid margins over the long term".

Targeted investments help balance growth

2014-12-05 11:21

Investment in fixed assets - roads, buildings, machinery and other infrastructure - has powered China's economy for the last two decades.

Rise of the smartphone nation

2014-12-05 11:21

Measuring China's change is hard. There are few indicators that readily correlate with business overall.

The gap between EU ambitions and reality

2014-12-05 11:21

Before the new European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker took office, he announced that he planned to create jobs and inject new life into the stagnant European economy by injecting an additional 300 billion euros ($374 billion) over three years, beginning next year.

Brands burnish their credentials worldwide

2014-11-28 10:48

This year's eagerly awaited Interbrand Best China Brands report has just been published, and what great reading it makes for the progress of Chinese brands.

Safely entangled in the Internet

2014-11-28 10:48

The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development projected China's GDP growth rate for 2014 at 8.9 percent in its most recent China survey, published in March 2013.

Financial reforms must continue

2014-11-28 10:48

The announcement by the People's Bank of China, the central bank, on Nov 21 that benchmark interest rates were being cut for the first time since July 2012 surprised the market

Alter corporate leadership selection to curb graft

2014-11-28 10:48

China's high-profile anti-corruption investigations targeted at state-owned enterprises are set to help cleanse the commercial giants. But to prevent corruption in those enterprises in the long term, a sounder modern corporate governance regime must be put into place.

More complex times spur needed change

2014-11-28 10:48

Chinese officials will start their annual Economic Work Conference on Dec 9, according to Takungpao.com in Hong Kong. The conference is a key part of China's economic decision-making process in the last weeks of every year, held to plan the coming year's main targets.

Silk Road idea given the blind-eye treatment

2014-11-28 10:48

In recent years, the West has urged Beijing to shoulder more global responsibility, and since the 2008-09 financial crisis, these demands have become ever more insistent. But when Beijing offers its solutions to the world, other powers are inclined to simply turn the other way.

Stock Connect brings HK to the fore

2014-11-21 12:27

China celebrated a milestone in its stock market on Nov 17. Thanks to a landmark program called Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, retail investors in the mainland and Hong Kong, for the first time, are allowed to directly invest in each other's stock market.

Australian FTA just the beginning

2014-11-21 12:27

On Nov 17, China and Australia announced they had formally completed negotiations on a free trade agreement. They are likely to sign and implement the free trade agreement within the year.

The meaning of China's Asia-Pacific Dream

2014-11-21 12:27

The key global economies met in Brisbane on Nov 15 and 16 for the G20, following recent summits of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and for East Asia and the wider Asia-Pacific. These are not just about politics but growth, trade and investment.

Lessons in nature from the heart of China

2014-11-21 12:27

One day in September, I and a colleague at the Center for Green Economy of the Peking University HSBC Business School flew to the western city of Chongqing. From there we needed to make a sometimes bumpy bus trip to get to our destination, the county of Tongjiang in China's Sichuan province.

European Edition