

In the new normal, some areas count their woes

2015-08-07 09:24

Various aspects of China's new economic normal become clearer by the day. One of those is that as the macroeconomy faces increasing downward pressure, regional economies are feeling the pinch, no more so than in the northeast and in the west, where decline has been substantial and sustained.

Get ready for yuan in IMF basket

2015-08-07 09:24

It came as no surprise recently to read that the Chinese yuan, or renminbi, as it is also widely known, is set to replace the Japanese yen to become the fourth international currency within two years.

Progress in reform will inspire market

2015-08-07 09:24

China still hasn't gotten around to drawing the lessons from the recent stock market rout, let alone find the time to learn them.

Principals on front line of climate change education

2015-08-07 09:24

Many school principals in China's poorest and mountainous regions have never taken a flight, and in some cases have never even traveled out of their provinces.

UK truly values Chinese students

2015-07-31 08:28

The United Kingdom has some of the world's top universities and China is our most important market for students - in fact, almost a third of our foreign students from outside the European Union come from China.

Chinese students face increasing barriers in UK

2015-07-31 08:28

Tougher visa policies, skyrocketing tuition fees and health charges are beginning to deter international students from studying in the United Kingdom.

Greek turmoil may affect UK policy

2015-07-31 08:28

The recent wrestling match between Greece and the European Union over the Mediterranean country's massive debts was watched at first with a certain detachment by Britons, mostly reassured by official data showing British banks had very little exposure to the battered euro.

It's in our interest to join Belt and Road strategy

2015-07-31 08:28

This year marks a milestone for relations between the European Union and China, the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations, which have now evolved to myriad global issues.

Harness social media to aid market stability

2015-07-31 08:28

Many people have tried to come up with an explanation for the capricious and near-mystical fluctuations in the Chinese stock market in recent weeks. But most of them seem to have missed the point.

Property market needs sound policy foundations

2015-07-31 08:28

My 83-year-old landlord, a former secretary at a European institution, moved out of the two-bedroom apartment in downtown Brussels where my family now lives for an elderly care home three years ago. Recently, she paid her first visit in three years to check on the property.

Economy shows signs of resilience

2015-07-24 08:07

The Chinese economy beat market expectations to grow 7 percent year-on-year in the second quarter, a performance suggesting that the world's second-largest economy may have bottomed out despite uncertainties ahead.

Balance eco-protection with growth

2015-07-24 08:07

China faces a fundamental challenge: How to balance environment protection with economic growth? Environmental protection can yield huge social benefits in terms of health and natural resources.

Market crash: Western media rooted for China crash

2015-07-24 08:07

Pure objectivity and total accuracy is difficult to achieve in journalism. But they were almost totally ignored in cold and unsympathetic Western media commentaries on China's recent stock market crash.

Winemakers need to 'plant trees' in China

2015-07-24 08:07

At the four-day 49th Vinitaly, the world's largest wine trade expo, in Verona, Italy, more than 4,000 exhibitors and 150,000 wine industry professionals eagerly sought out business opportunities and potential partners.

Family planning policy is backfiring

2015-07-24 08:07

For decades China has pursued policies intended to slow population growth by reducing childbearing. Slowly, attention is shifting to the dangers of super-low fertility, population decline, and rapid aging.

Many benefits of a grand plan for affordable housing

2015-07-24 08:07

The Chinese government has recently announced two encouraging figures on the construction of housing to meet the needs of those living on the lower rungs of the social ladder.

While Europe was looking the other way ...

2015-07-17 09:02

Entangled in the Greek debt crisis, few European policymakers had the time or interest to pay attention to the recent summit talks in the Russian city of Ufa between the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, collectively known as the BRICS.

China devoted to new win-win era

2015-07-17 09:02

Economic globalization has expedited the integration of more than 200 countries and regions and over 7 billion people. China is now not only the most populous country, but also the largest trading nation, and the second-largest economy - and it could become the largest economy in the future.

Pick-up in growth reduces need for policy easing

2015-07-17 09:02

Data on GDP growth released on July 15 beat expectations and growth in industry picked up again recently on a monthly basis, suggesting that the policy easing measures taken since late last year are starting to have an effect.

Promise and pitfalls for foreign investors

2015-07-17 09:02

Last year, China overtook the United States as the world's top destination for foreign direct investment for the first time in more than a decade.

European Edition