

An eye on the big picture

2011-08-05 11:04

Last month, the renowned Hong Kong actress Maggie Cheung was awarded an honorary degree at the University of Edinburgh.

But what now for Brand Yao?

2011-08-05 11:04

Yao Ming's position as an international brand has been well documented, as has his recent retirement from the greatest professional basketball league in the world.

Monetary house of cards

2011-07-29 11:37

Asian countries should heed lessons of sovereign debt crisis in Europe and be prudent about adopting a single currency

Respect lives and truths

2011-07-29 11:37

Premier Wen Jiabao inspected the accident site and visited the victim's families in Wenzhou on July 28 after the bloody rail tragedy that killed 39 people.

Understanding how China thinks

2011-07-29 11:37

Europe needs to understand China's past and its philosophical influence on Chinese psychology.

New horizons for education

2011-07-29 11:37

Every Western university values its ability to attract students from around the world.

Realty still hot for long-term players

2011-07-29 11:37

The restrictions will be an extension of similar policies implemented last year in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, where families are not allowed to buy a third home.

DaVinci is luxury code for Chinese consumer

2011-07-22 10:56

12 Chinese brands feature among the world's top 100, but it is Chinese consumers' insatiable appetite for Western brands that appears to dominate the domestic market.

A new era of space travel

2011-07-22 10:56

The end of the shuttle era might be seen as a turning point for US manned spaceflight, or another sign of US decline.

Managing Chinese team takes finesse

2011-07-22 10:56

Most newcomers to China come ready to take on their new posts, investing time, energy and faith in the decision to move here.

Accelerate balanced development

2011-07-22 10:56

Government should make more efforts to reduce the gap between rural areas and cities in education

WTO ruling not end of the road for China

2011-07-22 10:56

The WTO's unfair and subjective criticism of China's trade policy, however, exposes the insufficient representation of developing countries in the WTO

Facts are there for all to see

2011-07-22 10:56

China's first-ever national program on human rights development has been fully implemented in two years

Aircraft carrier needed to improve security

2011-07-15 10:51

Vessels capable of providing timely relief to people in event of disasters

Getting back on track

2011-07-15 10:51

Were it not for the recent spate of problems, we would have been acclaiming the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line as the railway authorities expected.

Dual nationality stance needs a rethink

2011-07-15 10:51

China must take a leaf from neighbors and change policy to retain talent

Rethinking innovation for a recovery

2011-07-15 10:51

As we look at growing out of recession, innovation is more important than ever. However, the types of innovation companies pursue need to change.

Drastic actions needed to solve debt crisis

2011-07-15 10:51

One year after the outbreak of Europe's sovereign debt crisis, negative news came one after another.

Common voice needed

2011-07-08 11:07

African Union should take a leading role in the continent's affairs and in finding a peaceful solution to Libya crisis

More financial tightening

2011-07-08 11:07

On Thursday, the People's Bank of China raised its benchmark deposit and lending rates by 25 basis points.

European Edition