

Slowing down, but far from fragile

2015-10-23 08:06

On recent trips to the West, I've discovered that the further from China people are, the worse the economy looks.

50 years in news, and wonders never cease

2015-10-23 08:06

A little more than 50 years ago, fresh out of school and with only a vague idea of what I wanted to be, I hopped on my bicycle at my home in an Oxford suburb, and rode down the hill to see if I could get a job as a cub reporter on my local newspaper, the Oxford Mail and Times.

What the slowdown does not mean

2015-10-23 08:06

China's GDP grew 6.9 percent in the third quarter, missing the yearly target and marking the first in more than six years that the world's second-largest economy has registered below 7 percent.

The path ahead to a shared destination

2015-10-23 08:06

China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative more for economic reasons than political or strategic needs.

Why the poor need not always be with us

2015-10-23 08:06

Since China opened up to the world in the late 1970s it has made great strides in eradicating poverty. However, the task of accomplishing - and doing so by 2020, the ambitious goal the government has set for itself - remains monumental.

A step forward in Sino-US relations

2015-10-09 07:21

Xi Jinping's visit to the United States for a week from Sept 22 was his first US state visit, and the sixth time he had met President Barack Obama since becoming Chinese president in 2013.

There's no need for alarm on trade pact

2015-10-09 07:21

Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership a fearful thing, as some Chinese commentators have said?

Xi just needs to turn up for a grand welcome

2015-10-09 07:21

For years, China maintained a steady presence at the United Nations.

China still driving the global economy

2015-10-09 07:21

Many outside China believe the country's economic slowdown is to blame for the recent drastic fluctuations in global stocks, foreign currency and commodity markets. They also think that the prospects of the world's second-largest economy are gloomy.

Working together to boost developing nations

2015-10-09 07:21

Since the 1950s, China has been providing what is known as South-South Cooperation to other developing countries in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere.

Welcome to a mind-boggling possibility

2015-10-09 07:21

Du Hong, writer of books for children, died on May 30 of cancer. She is back in the news more than three months later because journalists have found she spent $120,000 to have her brain cryopreserved with US-based Alcor Life Extension Foundation in the hope of "coming back to life" with the help of future technology, say, half a century later.

Need to give public dancing a human face

2015-10-09 07:21

Chinese people's attitude toward dancing in public squares is quite complicated. Senior citizens, especially aged women, find a new lease of life by being part of modern dancing groups, but many young and middle-aged people object to their dancing in neighborhoods because of the din it creates.

Investors are not rushing for the door

2015-10-02 09:44

The closing of factories in China by a few transnational companies, exaggerated as a "tide of foreign capital departure" by some, has attracted worldwide attention and sparked another round of unease over China's investment climate.

Bias against women impoverishes nations

2015-10-02 09:44

In 100 countries around the world, women are barred from doing certain work solely because they are women. Over 150 countries have at least one law that is discriminatory toward women. And only 18 countries are free of any law mandating disadvantages to women.

Warning to EU exposes bias against China

2015-10-02 09:44

Politicians in the United States are in the habit of pressuring their European counterparts to follow their line in setting foreign agenda.

Lessons of a stock market debacle

2015-10-02 09:44

One of the lessons from the recent stock market rout in Shanghai and Shenzhen lies in the fundamentals of the Chinese economy, most importantly its industry's unfitness for the transition China wants.

Brexit or not, China doesn't care either way

2015-10-02 09:44

The perceived brutality of the European Union's handling of the Greek crisis, and now the apparent lack of a coordinated EU response to the streams of migrants heading into Eastern Europe from Iraq, Syria and all points east - all this is beginning to weigh heavily on British voters' minds ahead of the promised referendum on EU membership.

The goal is peace through collaboration

2015-10-02 09:44

President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United States and participation in United Nations meetings to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the world organization and the world's victory against fascism have drawn widespread attention because of China's growing influence across the globe.

The sky is not falling on China's economy

2015-10-02 09:44

With the bursting of the Chinese stock market bubble in July and the slight but unexpected depreciation of the renminbi, by about 4 percent in August, the world markets have panicked and doomsayers are coming out in droves to predict the imminent collapse of the Chinese economy.

China stands by, ready to join SDR

2015-09-25 08:00

In April, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a Chinese initiative, attracted widespread support from developed and emerging countries around the world.

European Edition