

An image to impress

2011-10-21 11:08

The survey took place from July 6 to July 25 in 20 major developed and developing countries

2011: A space odyssey fit for two

2011-10-21 11:08

Most Chinese middle school students are familiar with the story of Wan Hu, who tried to become the world's first "astronaut".

Europe continues to matter

2011-10-21 11:08

Fears about Europe have rippled through the global economy and Asian markets are not immune.

Beijing is not yet getting its message across

2011-10-21 11:08

During the past three decades China has made great advances in public diplomacy and it is emerging as a vital tool for the country.

US still plundering global wealth

2011-10-14 11:05

Senate bill on currency exchange rates is another attempt to shift the cost of its crisis to others

Don't give in to temptation of rate cuts

2011-10-14 11:05

All eyes are on Europe right now. Even in Asia, so far blissfully removed from financial jitters in the West, apprehension is growing.

Tear down walls of ignorance

2011-10-14 11:05

China-EU relations have been relatively smooth and steady recently compared with what they were in 2008.

China needs to take out some insurance

2011-10-14 11:05

A Greek tragedy is looming, and its consequences will be felt in Europe - and beyond

China shapes up as scapegoat for US ills

2011-10-14 08:45

The United Statets is down. This mighty and proud country, shocked and wounded by the historic impact of the Sept 11 terrorist attacks in New York 10 years ago, has been weakened further by two inconclusive wars in central Asia, and brought to its knees by the worst economic recession in its history which has left more than 9 million unemployed.

Would the Steve Jobs approach work in China

2011-10-14 08:45

The passing away of Steve Jobs recently has led to the sort of media attention usually reserved for entertainment superstars or heads of state. Yet no one can deny the attention and adulation is unwarranted. Jobs' was the first, and only, technology superstar.

Four myths that need to be exploded

2011-10-07 11:14

In trying to understand China's willingness to help, some are looking for trouble where there is none

Let's look beyond the sugar coating

2011-10-07 11:14

China and Europe would be wise to re-evaluate their ties in a rapidly changing world

Beijing faces high-wire tightrope act

2011-10-07 10:11

There are now two, somewhat conflicting, calls for China to rebalance faced with Western economic woes. One is for China to rebalance its own economy toward goods produced for domestic consumption and reduce the reliance on exports that propelled China before the 2008 Western financial crisis. The second is for China to contribute to reducing the imbalance in trade between China and the West, partly through consumer expenditure increases that include more imports.

World Bank needs new home outside US

2011-10-07 10:11

Of the three pillars of the global economic architecture created after World War II, the WTO is based in Switzerland, while the other two, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, are headquartered in Washington. The time has come to move at least one of the two out of the United States.

China is the unseen card in Fed policy

2011-10-07 10:11

The US central bank is making provisions for a Chinese retreat on treasury bonds

Since we're equal, it's time for give and take

2011-09-30 13:15

Beijing is always ready to help a friend facing problems, but returning the favor would not hurt

The alarm about SMEs

2011-09-30 13:15

A widespread credit squeeze might have forced the SME sector to undergo the painful process of restructuring.

Rules for a new world order

2011-09-30 13:15

Nonetheless, the nature of the international system today is vastly different from what it was in the aftermath of the Cold War.

Let's aim for a longer-lasting global order

2011-09-30 13:15

One of the amazing new phenomena of the rapidly changing past few decades is the change in power configuration of today's world compared to 20-30 years ago.

Investment focuses on middle class

2011-09-30 09:17

Global asset management firm Carlyle buys into consumption-led growth in China

European Edition