

Real winners and losers of China's reforms

2014-01-24 08:54

The rapid expansion of China's trade signals its deeper integration into the world economy and greater impact on other economies.

Pitfalls of private-bank fever

2014-01-24 08:54

Small and private banks are supposed to mainly serve small and medium-sized enterprises. Following that logic, one of the aims in allowing these banks to be set up in China is to help solve the financing difficulties that SMEs face, which has long been a problem.

Testing times for China's foreign exchange reserves

2014-01-24 08:54

China's forex exchange reserves, the largest in the world, reached a record $3.82 trillion (2.82 trillion euros) last year, almost twice as large as Japan's forex reserves, which are the second-largest in the world.

Solutions needed for urbanization

2014-01-24 08:54

Though urbanization has been an essential ingredient in China's growth and development over the past 30 years, the transformation to a predominantly city-based nation brings with it societal ramifications and financial implications.

Among the experts, believe whom you will

2014-01-24 08:54

The outlook for China's growth this year depends very much on which expert you talk to. The range of forecasts is huge, from a dismal 6 percent or so for GDP growth to bullish figures depicting expansion not seen since the late 1990s.

Twilight years dogged by medical woes

2014-01-24 08:54

My family life plunged into chaos a month ago when my father suddenly collapsed and went into a coma on the day he and my mother came to visit us in Beijing.

3 routes in sight; 1 of them is a winner

2014-01-17 09:28

Is this the year in which China can convince the skeptics that it can make the transition to a modern, high-productivity economy? Or will powerful vested interests block change, prolonging structural weaknesses in the economy as aging places a growing burden on the country, and the environment degrades further?

Bungled new IPO rules result in red faces

2014-01-17 09:28

At some of the investors' conferences taking place in Beijing and Shanghai this month, one could notice the frustration and anger of young Chinese reporters over the state of the domestic stock market.

Debt pressures need to be handled with care

2014-01-17 09:28

At the end of last year, the National Audit Office released the results of its long-awaited updated survey of China's local government debt, which totalled 17.9 trillion yuan ($2.95 trillion) in June 2013, up from 10.7 trillion yuan at the end of 2010, when the previous tally by the NAO took place.

Keeping the lid on housing prices

2014-01-10 10:18

Nobel laureate and Yale University professor Robert Shiller was one of the first global economists to talk about the runaway risks in China's spiraling property prices, a matter that has been of considerable interest in China recently.

Tough year ahead as huge debt falls due

2014-01-10 10:18

Local government debt has been regarded as a major risk for the Chinese economy, but official figures on exactly how much is owed have been difficult to come by.

Software eats into financial services

2014-01-10 10:18

There is a saying in Silicon Valley that "software is eating the world". Attributed to the Californian entrepreneur-turned-investor Marc Andreessen, it describes a phenomenon in which traditional industries are increasingly being taken over by software and online operation.

Market reforms enter new era

2014-01-10 10:18

With the introduction of reform and opening-up in 1978 and its deepening since 1993, the People's Republic of China has been successfully accelerating its economic development.

Potholes could make for a bumpy year

2014-01-10 10:18

As we look forward into 2014, I see more "potholes" than "black holes". What I mean by "black holes" is that I cannot see anything presently that might blow up the markets.

Tackling shadow banking poses huge challenge

2014-01-10 10:18

A government document to regulate shadow banking, reported by the Chinese business press earlier this month, has highlighted more than ever before the dilemma in China's financial system and the daunting task in its financial reform.

Social cost of upbringing needs review

2014-01-10 10:18

At the end of last year, the Chinese movie director Zhang Yimou and his wife Chen Ting admitted in a television interview they had breached the family planning regulations by giving birth to three children.

Structuring the Chinese Dream

2014-01-03 09:59

The Chinese Dream is President Xi Jinping's integrative and transformative vision for China, an overarching unifying principle for the Chinese people. To commemorate the first anniversary of Xi proclaiming the Chinese Dream as "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation", a forum called "International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream" was held in Shanghai. The forum brought together scholars and officials from China and abroad to discuss the Chinese Dream: what it is, what it should be and what it should not be. All recognized its importance.

Listing rules mark mindset change

2014-01-03 09:59

Entering 2014, China's stock markets will embrace new blood. After a freeze of more than a year, initial public offerings are resumed after the country released a new set of rules governing their issue.

Happy returns for companies that stay or go

2014-01-03 09:59

Chinese firms can offset reshoring effects by focusing on high-end manufacturing

Services sector holds the key to growth

2014-01-03 09:59

China's manufacturing sector is open and market-oriented, but its services sector is closed and government-led. So, as the focus on world trade moves from traditional manufacturing to emerging service industries, China could be marginalized in new international trading agreements.

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