Five nuts to improve your physical quality in winter

2012-12-21 17:47:10

Five nuts to improve your physical quality in winter. They are Almonds,peanuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts and walnuts.

Six traditional foods for Dongzhi

2012-12-21 16:40:55

Six traditional foods for Dongzhi. They are jiaozi, tangyuan, babao porridge, mutton, Chinese radish and wonton.

Foods to avoid while trying to get pregnant

2012-12-20 14:27:03

Pregnancy and childbearing take a lot of planning and preparation.

Eight must-eat foods for pregnancy

2012-12-20 13:42:43

Want maximum nutrition during your pregnancy? Make sure these super foods are in your diet.

China launches traditional medicine resource center

2012-12-20 09:53:00

The China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences on Tuesday established a research center for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) resources.

Kraft gets awards for “green” initiatives

2012-12-19 17:31:05

Kraft Foods China’s four factories recently received awards worth more than 1 million yuan ($160,457) from local governments.

Serving it up simpler, safer

2012-12-19 14:54:05

Chinese food and beverage companies recently met in Beijing to discuss how Chinese restaurants can serve safer and more healthy food.

The art of purple clay teapot

2012-12-19 14:53:32

Whether you're a coffee or tea person, it's safe to say both bevarages are wildly popular worldwide.

Drinks for Christmas

2012-12-19 14:19:15

Recipes of eggnog and mulled wine for Christmas.

Tea ceremony: more than drinking tea

2012-12-19 13:55:04

In Quanzhou, southeast China's Fujian province, planting and drinking tea is a popular tradition with many.

Christmas dessert

2012-12-19 13:54:53

A pastry chef shows the Christmas dessert to greet the upcoming Christmas in Taipei.

Potato cakes

2012-12-18 15:10:02

When I mentioned before about Polish traditional cuisine … I almost instantly remembered taste of potato cakes.