Mystery awaits at Jinsha site

2011-05-12 07:56:00

Some say they came from aliens.

A delectable question about local dining to noodle over

2011-05-12 07:56:00

Eating out in China can require a level of self control and patience that is strange and challenging to the American diner.

Sinking piracy is not a smart move from consumer's POV

2011-05-12 07:56:00

You have the deeds, put a fence around it, a sign saying trespassers will be prosecuted, and that's it, lock, stock and barrel.

Christian Bale knocks the socks off Zhang Yimou

2011-05-12 07:56:00

Director Zhang Yimou has generous words of praise for Christian Bale, who leads the cast of his latest war epic, Heroes of Nanking.

Picking up on Chopsticks fun

2011-05-12 07:57:47

As the first Beijing International Film Festival was winding down, two upstart Beijing moviemakers were also creating a big splash - just not on any big screen.

Building communities

2011-05-11 08:19:17

The architect's forays into China began in the 1980s when he designed the nation's first multifunctional real estate property, Shanghai Center.

'Hit this and yell loudly'

2011-05-11 08:19:17

The Earth was juddering. But Zhang Zhougang had no idea why or what to do.

Slow but sure recovery

2011-05-11 08:19:17

Rebuilding the physical infrastructure of areas destroyed by the 2008 quake has been far easier than restoring the confidence of the affected children.


2011-05-11 08:19:17

Chinese doctors have found that depression can cause brain damage, and say it is necessary for patients to take medication to repair the damage and cure their depression.

Normal briefl yblood sugar range too wide, says new study

2011-05-11 08:19:17

Having normal blood sugar levels is no guarantee against developing type 2 diabetes down the road, according to Italian researchers.

A book a day helps keep the doctor away

2011-05-11 08:19:17

New retirees might be happy to learn that reading keeps one mentally alert and abreast of current aff airs.

Double challenge

2011-05-11 08:19:17

Women with physical disabilities require more assistance to give birth, but they're not getting it.