

Putting Taiwan into focus

2013-11-29 10:28

Album highlights creativity of photographers from both sides of the Straits


2013-11-29 10:28

Signs of the times

2013-11-22 10:35

Since 1978, when the reform and opening-up policy was put forward at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chinese people's concept of fashion has changed day by day, as new messages and ways of life inform their thinking.


2013-11-22 10:35


2013-11-15 09:55

In the beginning there was a place called yuncheng

2013-11-08 09:18

About 1.8 million years ago, the ancestors of Chinese people began to use fire and stone tools on this land. About 5,000 years ago, they learned how to extract salt from water in this area. More than 4,000 years ago, the early Chinese emperors Yao, Shun and Yu successively made the place the capital city during their reign.


2013-11-08 09:18

Fashion flaIR to the fore

2013-11-01 10:06

Art of looking good pulls in visitors by the tens of thousands


2013-11-01 10:06

The new matchmaker

2013-10-25 09:57

A studio in Guangzhou helps single women to find confidence and their Mr Right


2013-10-25 09:57

Working toward her goal

2013-10-18 08:54

Senior high school student hopes to play for national team one day


2013-10-18 08:54


2013-10-11 09:52

Laborer by day, dancer by night

2013-10-11 09:52

In mud-stained shoes and worn-out blue jeans, Peng Zhiwei is busy setting steel frames for a construction site in Changsha, Hunan province. The 43-year-old construction worker continues laboring on rainy days to earn money. After a hard day's work, he takes a shower, changes clothes and arrives at a dancing club. You can hardly recognize the man as the same Peng, now wearing tailored trousers and black leather shoes.

Faces of tibet

2013-10-04 08:58

More than 10 ethnic groups live in the Tibet autonomous region. They not only follow ancient traditions, but also enjoy modern life. In July, China Daily photographer Kuang Linhua visited the region and captured some images.


2013-10-04 08:58

Faces of Tibet

2013-09-27 09:41

More than 10 ethnic groups live in the Tibet autonomous region. They not only keep traditions from generations past, but also face modern life full of hope. China Daily photographer Kuang Linhua has captured these images of the remarkable lifestyles in the region.


2013-09-27 09:41

Welcome with a bang

2013-09-20 15:34

If you visit Basha village in Guizhou province's Congjiang county, you may be greeted by a group of men carrying long rifles. Fear not, they are harmless

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