


2013-09-20 15:34


2013-09-13 10:10

Beautiful China

2013-09-06 09:28

Photographers from 10 countries find the true beauty of China with their lens

Snapshots: Tianjin

2013-09-06 09:28

Beautiful China

2013-08-30 09:58

Photographers from 10 countries find the true beauty of China with their lens

Snapshots: Shaanxi

2013-08-30 09:58

Touch of the young in the old

2013-08-23 10:31

Teenage fans of Peking Opera help to preserve this traditional cultural heritage


2013-08-23 10:31

The last stage

2013-08-16 09:01

As fewer people become involved in Pinghua storytelling, the ancient art faces eternal silence

Slimming summer

2013-08-09 09:21

Many parents choose to send their teenage children to body-shaping camps during the summer holidays

Green Initiatives

2013-08-02 08:53

An elementary school in Beijing is cultivating environmental consciousness through activities


2013-08-02 08:53


2013-07-26 11:05

Hot tips

2013-07-19 09:15

'Slight heat", which fell on July 7 this year, is the 11th solar term on China's traditional lunar calendar, which means the end of the rainy season for cities along the Yangtze River and the start of sizzling summer days. Rain has made its way to the north and northeast of China. And just as expected, heat waves have scorched areas south of the Yangtze River and southern China. Temperatures climb above 35 C in such regions, motivating people and even animals to look for creative ways to cool down.


2013-07-19 09:15


2013-07-12 08:46

Ready for the real world

2013-07-12 08:46

According to the Ministry of Education, 6.99 million students have graduated from universities this year - 190,000 more than last year. Although 2013 is seen as an extremely tough year for college graduates, it has not diminished students' passion for the last highlight of college days - the graduation ceremony. Besides formal and somewhat austere commencement ceremonies and conferment of diplomas, an assortment of performances, ceremonies and farewell parties are staged on campuses, rolled up into one super-charged day.


2013-07-05 09:44

Aqua act

2013-07-05 09:44

The underwater world inspires people's imagination and aquariums around China are witness to this. Accompanying marine creatures, performers amaze their audiences.


2013-06-28 10:28

European Edition