

Nun gives gift of language

2014-10-17 10:58

At an ordinary house near the Pangphu Temple in Daocheng county of Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Sichuan province, Southwest China, young Tibetan Buddhist nun Drolma Choitso is devoted to helping the young generation of local Tibetan people master Mandarin, the main language used throughout China.


2014-10-17 10:58

Watching over my comrades

2014-10-10 07:27

In 1980 Chen Jungui was dispatched with a team of soldiers to build roads in the Tianshan Mountains. The team was snowed in by a blizzard. As their food ran out, team leader Zheng Linshu sent them in different directions to find help. All died except for Chen.


2014-10-10 07:27

Helping to keep the peace

2014-10-03 07:53

People's Liberation Army troops do their part in peacekeeping missions worldwide


2014-10-03 07:53


2014-09-26 09:05


2014-09-26 08:39

Calm within

2014-09-19 07:37

At a camp for Zen Buddhism at Lushan Mountain in East China's Jiangxi province, travelers lead a cloistered life for about a week. The daily routine begins at 5:30 am, when a bell is sounded. Campers then take part in an hourlong reading session from the "Diamond Sutra", a Buddhist text on wisdom, initiated by a Zen master to improve their concentration.


2014-09-19 07:37

Beautiful China

2014-09-12 07:43

Photos by State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense/Chinese Academy of Sciences


2014-09-12 07:43

Essence of zen

2014-09-05 10:06

Huangmei, a small county nestled in the stunning mountains of Hubei province, is a big magnet for followers of Zen Buddhism. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Buddhists from home and abroad flock to the county to seek out the root of their spiritual belief.


2014-09-05 10:06

Plumbing the depths

2014-08-29 09:22

Free diving, a sport in which participants remain underwater for long periods without the use of breathing apparatus, such as scuba equipment, is becoming increasingly popular in China. Some people take up the activity because they enjoy swimming without oxygen tanks and all the other gear so they can experience the underwater world like a fish, while others see the sport as a way of challenging themselves in an alien environment. Although there are only a few thousand free divers in China - most of them former scuba divers - the number of enthusiasts continues to grow, according to Wang Aolin, who holds the Chinese record after diving to a depth of 64.3 meters in the ocean. Regarded as the world's second-most dangerous extreme sport, free diving requires both physical strength and mental tranquility, and safe descents are the result of a huge amount of training and the guidance of senior divers, says Wang, 28, one of just three free-diving trainers in China to be recognized by the International Association for the Development of Apnea, the sport's global ruling and record-keeping body.


2014-08-29 09:22

Community of art

2014-08-22 10:14

Centuries-old ethnic crafts continue to thrive in Qamdo county's Karma town in the Tibet autonomous region.


2014-08-22 10:14

Harvesting the fragrance

2014-08-15 09:20

The Yili River Valley in Xinjiang autonomous region becomes a sea of purple fragrance in late summer, as workers set about the back-breaking task of harvesting, by hand, what has now become the world's third-largest lavender crop.


2014-08-15 09:20

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