

A special pair of envoys

2014-02-28 08:42

Two Chinese pandas that arrived in Brussels on Feb 23 have settled into their home near the Belgian capital. Hao Hao and Xing Hui, both 4, are on loan to Pairi Daiza Zoo, and will be in the country for 15 years.


2014-02-28 08:42

Here's looking at you, kid

2014-02-21 08:29

Last year on Jan 8, Zhang Yingnan became a father. Since then, he has focused his camera lens on his son and his wife Tao Lanying.


2014-02-21 08:29

Let there be lots of light

2014-02-14 08:48

The Zigong International Dinosaur Lantern Festival is continuing in Zigong, Southwest China's Sichuan province. This festival comprises 119 large and medium-sized lantern installations in 14 gardens.


2014-02-14 08:48

Born in the Year of the horse

2014-01-31 06:40

The horse was important in ancient times for hunting, farming and warfare, and it is recognized as one of the six most important animals associated with humans, as well as one of the 12 zodiac animals of the Lunar Chinese Calendar. Horses symbolize luck, virtue and a progressive spirit, and most Chinese idioms about horses are positive. People have been welcoming the Year of the Horse in different ways, with those born in previous years of the horse wearing red clothing and red belts, each with their own story and expectations and dreams for their birth year.


2014-01-31 06:40

Paradise on Ice

2014-01-24 08:53

As the birds fly south for the winter, many people in North China go to see one of the country's most spectacular sights, the ice and snow sculptures in Harbin.


2014-01-24 08:53

Breaking free

2014-01-10 10:16

The Chinese icebreaker Xuelong, or Snow Dragon, broke through heavy Antarctic floes on Jan 7 and headed for open water. It had been blocked by a 1-km long iceberg after its crew used a helicopter to rescue 52 passengers from the Russian research ship Akademik Shokalskiy and take them to the Australian supply ship Aurora Australis.


2014-01-10 10:16

Brave bride's joyful day

2014-01-03 09:56

With the days numbered, a seriously ill woman married the man of her dreams


2014-01-03 09:56

In the realm of the virtual

2013-12-20 10:03

Whether it is a blessed friend or a cursed nuisance, for Chinese the smart phone is never far away


2013-12-20 10:03


2013-12-13 09:31

Mandela's visits to China

2013-12-13 09:31

Nelson Mandela visited China twice. The first was in October 1992, when he met Chinese leaders and also went to the Great Wall. Seven years later, he visited China as the president of South Africa. He was welcomed by then Chinese leaders, president Jiang Zemin and premier Zhu Rongji in Beijing, and delivered a speech at Peking University.

The birth of hope

2013-12-06 10:00

The giant panda is one of the most critically endangered species in the world. this exclusive set of photos shows the cubs' growth during their first 100 days


2013-12-06 10:00

European Edition