KUALA LUMPUR - Air quality and snow conditions are regarded as two of the major challenges for Beijing's bid for 2022 Winter Olympic Games, but on Tuesday, the city's bid officials gave an answer and solution to all the concerns, promising clean air and enough snow.
"We will improve the air quality not only for the Games but also for the demand of our people," said Shen Xue, Vancouver Olympic gold medalist and ambassador for Beijing 2022 Bid. "No matter whether we win the bid or not, we will take efforts to improve the air quality."
In an effort to tackle air pollution, Beijing upgraded its coal-fired heating system in urban areas to natural gas heating system and closed down heavy-polluted plants. Neighboring city Tianjin and provinces including Hebei adopted similar measures to give Beijing a hand.
"We can feel since last year the great improvement of the air quality in Beijing," said Zhao Hongbo, Shen's husband who is also an Olympic champion and Beijing's bidding ambassador.