From tollbooth operators who look more like synchronized swimmers, to live crab vending machines and a toilet of roses – it's all trending across China.
Synchronized money
Photos of eight female highway tollbooth operators in Hebei province holding out their hands for money in a synchronized training display has gone viral online with many mocking the trainees for their gestures,, nandu.com reported.
Needle dad
Yin Zhihe, a father from Heilongjiang province handed himself into police after he admitted to pushing four sewing needles into his baby girl's body. Yin confessed he carried out the cruel act as he had a "superstition" it would bring him a baby boy, HLJNEWS.CN reported.
Final photo
A 50-year-old female traveler died after falling from a cliff in Harbin, Heilongjiang province while taking a photo at a a local scenic spot, dbw.cn reported. Reports claim the woman was warned by many about her dangerous move before the fall.
Crazy banking
A bank customer surnamed Fu in Hangzhou demanded to open 500 new accounts after he was told he could only transfer 200,000 yuan between accounts once he had a new bankbook. The bank finally apologized to the angry resident, Qianjiang Evening News reported.