Eating baked goods that contain milk may help children get over milk allergies, according to a study - findings that may have the potential to change treatment for the disorder.
Childhood TV habits affect later life
Children who spend too much time watching television increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes in later life, an Australian study shows.
Chen Zeng'an has faced a dilemma since he bought a car in early 2008.
Greater public awareness enables the early diagnoses that give autistic children a better chance of learning how to communicate and function.
Scientists have found that a gene linked to diabetes and cholesterol is a "master switch" that controls other genes found in fat in the body.
Health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".
A new study on heterosexual couples appears to show that individuals with HIV who take antiretroviral drugs significantly reduce the likelihood of infecting their partners.
Uneasy traditional medicine practitioners see light at end of tunnel in new UK regulations.
Chinese doctors have found that depression can cause brain damage, and say it is necessary for patients to take medication to repair the damage and cure their depression.
Having normal blood sugar levels is no guarantee against developing type 2 diabetes down the road, according to Italian researchers.
New retirees might be happy to learn that reading keeps one mentally alert and abreast of current aff airs.
Women with physical disabilities require more assistance to give birth, but they're not getting it.